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Author Topic: Donation Fly Timers - Report premature loss of fly here  (Read 32520 times)


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Re: Donation Fly Timers - Report premature loss of fly here
« Reply #45 on: March 18, 2021, 01:30:06 PM »
- In-game name:Phenix106(new account)

- Date:today 3/18/2021 date when my fly ends 8/1/2021

- Reason to report (Add the date you lost fly, if this issue is included):I have list my fly due to account transfer
Ayo Be happy No being Sad Bruv


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Re: Donation Fly Timers - Report premature loss of fly here
« Reply #46 on: March 18, 2021, 03:13:40 PM »
- In-game name:Phenix106(new account)

- Date:today 3/18/2021 date when my fly ends 8/1/2021

- Reason to report (Add the date you lost fly, if this issue is included):I have list my fly due to account transfer

Should be fixed!
Smile more, it suits you (: