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Author Topic: Administrator Application Form  (Read 7292 times)


  • Just Some Guy
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Administrator Application Form
« on: August 30, 2013, 05:29:41 PM »

If you are a Moderator and you feel like you deserve to be promoted to a higher rank, you can create your application for Administrator here. Use the form below to apply. If you do not use it, your application will be automatically denied.

Admin Application Format (Copy this and create a new topic!):

- What is your in-game name?

- Current Rank?

- How long have you been on the server?

- How long have you been a Moderator?

- What is your main specialization that stands out and can benefit the server?

- Is there any Staff member that suggested you to apply to admin?

- What experience do you have being a Moderator/Admin?

- If you have had previous experience, what servers did you moderate?

- What plugins are you familiar with?

- Are you currently staff on any other servers?

- Additional Information:

Please complete the application to the best of your ability and wait for a response. It can take up to seven days to receive a response. If you would like a private response rather than a public response please indicated under additional information.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 10:12:36 PM by Migas »
-- Fedgar