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Author Topic: Bugsy12 Fancy Maze  (Read 2489 times)


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Bugsy12 Fancy Maze
« on: October 31, 2014, 01:24:50 AM »
Fancy Maze

1. What is your in-game name?
2. What time of the day are you on? (include timezone)
3. Which competition you are entering?
Fancy Maze
4. What are the coordinates of your build? Please include the x, y, and z values. If available, include any warps or town spawns it's near so other players can see it.
x:87 z:-1163 It's in Mirlaz, at Hay Place: A Place for Hay
5. Additional information?
It's in Hay Place: A Place for Hay
Also Ninja gives diamond to whoever can complete it but don't tell her I said that...;)