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Author Topic: Towny Guide  (Read 6117 times)


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Towny Guide
« on: October 25, 2018, 05:51:47 AM »
Towny Guide

Towny is a versatile, player-controlled land management plugin. Towny offers solutions for pvp, griefing, chat, inflated economies and monsters to minecraft server admins. Towny allows players to work together and against each other as they see fit.

The Towny world is named Kattalox and it costs 10000$ to create a town. However, make sure you have enough money for the daily upkeep and make sure to follow minecraft chunks while planning your town. If you do not have enough money to support town upkeep, the town will fall into ruins!

Abusing your powers can lead to punishment. Make sure to follow the rules.

Players are considered inactive after 30 days without joining the server, which can be checked with /res <name>. After this time, you are allowed to remove their build, permissions, and they will be auto kicked from the town. Make sure to visit their owned plot when this happens.

If you are an Assistant or Member and your Mayor went inactive for more than 30 days, you are able to request the Town leadership transfer to your name, if you have a legitimate reason. When a mayor goes inactive, the mayorship gets automatically transferred to another town member or assistant, so make sure to do this request as soon as possible.

If you need help checking where your town is, you can use dynmap. The marked area is teal with a gold border.

/townyShows basic towny commands.
/towny pricesShows taxes/costs associated with running a town.
/towny mapShows the towny map.
/mapShows link to dynmap for better view borders
/plotShows the /plot commands.
/plot claimResident command to personally claims a plot that are for sale.
/plot unclaimResident command to unclaim personally owned plots.
/plot set perm <name>Give access to a friend {on/off}
/resident or /resShows a player their resident screen.
/resident ?Shows /res commands available.
/resident friend add/remove <name>Adds online player to their friends list.
/resident toggle plotborderTurns on smokey plot-border view. Border shows when players cross to different townblocks.
/town or /tShows a player their town's town screen.
/town ?Shows /town commands available.
/town leaveLeaves a town.
/town list Lists towns.
/town new <Town name>Creates a new town.You must do this in Kattalox (towny) world
/town set tag <upto4characters>       Sets the town tag, which is sometimes used on that chat line.[/color/]
/town add <Name>Mayor command to add residents to your town.
/town kick <Name> Mayor command to remove residents from your town.
/town spawnTeleports you to your town's spawn.
/town spawn <Town name>Teleports you to another town's spawn.
/town claimMayor command to claim the townblock in which you stand for your town.
/town unclaimMayor command to unclaim the townblock in which you stand.
/town withdraw <$$$> Removes money from town bank.
/town deposit <$$$>Adds money from player to the town bank. To keep your town up you need to add money, it costs $100 in game money each real life day!
/town deleteRemoves town
/town set homeblockSets the homeblock and spawn of your town.
/town set spawnSets the town spawn, must be done inside the homeblock.
/town join <Town name>Command to join a town that doesn't require invites.
/invite agreeAccepts town invite.
/town set taxesSets taxes collected from each resident each day.
/town set plottaxSets taxes collected from each resident each day for each plot they own
/town set shoptaxSets taxes collected from each resident each day for each shop plot they own
/town set embassytaxSets taxes collected from each resident each day for each embassy they own
/nation or /nShows a player their nation's nation screen.
/nation ?Shows /nation commands.
/nation new <name>Mayor command to create a nation.
/nation add <Town>Invites/Adds a town to your nation.
/nation set tag <upto4character>Sets the nation's tag, which is sometimes used on that chat line.

For a full list of commands see https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/wiki/Towny-Commands

New Towny Ranks

After years of trying to add towny ranks, they're finally working! Woohoo!

We tried to make a list of the ranks that are most useful and have been asked for a while, you can use these ranks with the commands /t rank add and /n rank add.

The rank helper was removed from both town and nation due to it being negligible.

Town ranks:

- Co-Mayor:
This person will be capable of doing pretty much everything a mayor can, /!\ only give to people you absolutely trust. /!\
  • Has all previous assistant perms.
  • Can kick members, can withdraw from bank, can give all ranks below, can set tag etc.

- Assistant:
This is the previous assistant rank but nerfed, some people want someone that helps run the town without giving them their town bank etc.
  • No longer capable of withdrawing from bank.
  • No longer toggles public status
  • Can choose who to put as vip
  • No longer claims town plots

- Landlord:

This rank will be able to manage town plots, someone that will take care of selling your plots for you. Has access to:
  • Exempt from tax
  • Can reclaim plots from players for the town.
  • Toggle perms and plot settings on any plot in the town
  • Put plots up for sale and take them down again

- Architect:
This is the builder rank of the town:
  • Can build, destroy and use switches all over town.

- Recruiter:
This person will be able to add people to the town
  • Can /t add.
  • Exempt from taxes.

- Vip:

  • Exempt from taxes.

- Sheriff:
This already existed, this person can jail people who are outlaw.
  • Now has access to /t outlaw add

Nation ranks:

- Assistant:
  • Can now set title and set surname.
  • Can give rank herald

- Chancellor:

This person will be able to manage your nation relations!
  • Access to /n add
  • Access to /n ally, /n enemy
  • Can accept or deny alliances

- Herald:
This person is the recruiter of the nation.
  • Access to /n add
« Last Edit: October 01, 2021, 04:27:55 PM by Oplegoman »
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