- In-Game Name: c0d3br3ak3r
- Name to use on Avatar: Nomaska (If font can be changed, I'd love for it to be changed)
- Item or Block to use on the Avatar: None
- Should I use your current skin? Yes
Say YES or NO on the following questions:
- Do you want to change Background Color?
- If yes, say the color: Yes, if possible, put me huddled in a ball leaning against a tree trunk. (Not just one tree, but in a thicket of trees)
- Do you want to add a new Items or blocks to the avatar?
- If yes, how much and which? Yes, torches. Three. And make the background dark.
- Do you want to add any mobs to the avatar?
- If yes, how much and which? Four creepers, and a skeleton in the background. Make the creepers look menacing towards me.
- Do you want to request a specified action?
- If yes, explain it: Yes, huddled in a ball against a tree.
Additional Information: Currently I am interested in a quote, more than I am the avatar. So I can farm it up before you start working on it.
I am also interested in if I can have a logo, or something similar placed onto it in the top right of the avatar.