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Author Topic: Moderator Application  (Read 2353 times)


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Moderator Application
« on: October 07, 2015, 04:14:18 AM »
What is your in-game name: My in-game name WAS Brindle_Pug but I changed it to oOCosmicPugOo.

Current Rank: My current rank is Member.

Where are you from: I am from the United States.

What is your age: I am currently 13. I am mature but I also like to joke around.

How often do I vote: Currently every day (pretty much) that i've been on, I've voted.

When did you join the server: I joined the server about 3-8 months ago with my IGN as Brindle_Pug but then took about a 2 week break because of family emergencies and changed my name to oOCosmicPugOo.

Time of day you are on the server: I can get on from about 4:00 PM-8:00 PM Pacific time. (Pacific time zone)

Currently staff on any other servers: Yes, I am staff on 2-3 other servers one I am Head-Admin on another I'm Admin. (If theres a third I can't really remember xD)

Why do you think you should be promoted: I think I should be promoted because I love to help out servers, I have youtube so I can constantly post videos on that server, and also I HATE hackers, If your ever in a game and you start and someone just comes up and ENDS YOUR DAY. Its SO annoying, If someone said that they saw a hacker, I'd go in /vanish and watch the hacker or ask to PVP them. Sometimes I use a competition to find out if someone is hacking, I say the person that can stay aimed on me with a bow wins or gets In game money. And I usually make it impossible for NORMAL players to target me; I jump around constantly and move around. If someone was hacking I'd either perm ban them or 6month ban them, depending on how ban of hacks theyre using. I do believe in second chances and if someone was spamming or something like that and they get banned for like 1 month I wouldn't make it a perm ban, I'd give them 1 more chance. I would help out the server by stopping hackers, DDOSers, spammers, griefers, scammers, ETC. From taking over this server. I would barely ever go AFK, What I usually do is stay on all night, afk so if someone came on to scam they would think I'd be paying attention to them, Before school I go on for like 20 minutes or so then leave for school but I have minechat that I could watch spammers and stuff, I also want to mention that I LOVE to build and that people have said i'm good at building, I currently am not in any sports and with family emergencies I stay home alot.

I promise I will follow ALL rules even if I am staff or not, I believe I need to set a good example for the members and lower ranks or whatever. I would remain neutral and not be mean to players, or staff. I will keep chat possative and make jokes and everything. I have an idea not going to do it without anyones permission though: If someone is hacking and I catch them, I was thinking to troll them like let everyone kill them or something or burn them in lava THEN ban them, when I ban players I give an explanation, I dont just leave it at "The ban hammer has spoken!", Anyway, That was my application, Hope you enjoyed. Thank you for taking your time to read my application.

Sincerally, Madii/oOCosmicPugOo <3


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Re: Moderator Application
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2015, 04:51:12 AM »
The only records of brindle_pug I can find are between july 23-26 2015, are you sure you remember correctly?


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Re: Moderator Application
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2015, 10:10:08 PM »
Are you sure you want to go through with this? Okay then...

You did not pay attention to the rank requirements, and therefore do not know that you cannot apply until you are a Senior Member +
Saying you are mature does not make it true.
3-8 months? That is a very subjective length of time. You cannot narrow it down?
You don't even know how many servers you are staff on, why would we want someone who is so blatantly disrespectful?

I was going to keep going, but honestly, I am tired and most of what you posted was just drivel. There is one thing I cannot abide though.
You said
and lower ranks or whatever.
Which I take great offence to.
There are no "lower" ranks. Every rank is equal, we are all players here. One rank is not better than another. We are all just people here. That kind of... power hungry attitude is going to get you in trouble.

Application Denied
-- Fedgar


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Re: Moderator Application
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2015, 11:05:26 PM »
Okay, I am sorry for wasting your time. Thanks for reading my application.

Sincerally, Madii   :)