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Author Topic: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal  (Read 6511 times)


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HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« on: December 30, 2015, 02:03:47 AM »
IGN: HerbSchnerbler__

Date and time of ban: 8:40ish pm 12/29/15, Eastern Standard Time

Banned by: Ninja5132

Not Previouisly jailed, muted, or warned.

Why should I be unbanned?

To set the scene, my friends and I all have a similar name. My friends were having banter with Ninja, and he was not taking it well apparently. To quote a bit of the argument, my friend said "It is dumb that you cannot raid in the wilderness", to which Ninja eloquently replied, "Your face is dumb."

He further told "The Herbs" that they would all be muted if we didn't be quiet. I asked how that was fair, as I legitimately had not said a single thing and had no control over what my friends were saying. I compared it to Hitler, which although a hyperbole, is not an irrational comparison. I was promptly permanently banned, with the reason stating "You have been banned from this server for inappropriate".

Perhaps what I said was pushing it, but a permanent ban seems completely out of place, and the entire behavior of the admin seems unprofessional to me. Very stand offish to new players.

On a side note, my friends tried to comply to the name thing and help the admins by changing their names. My friend changed his name, and then found that he lost his items as they were tied to an account name. When asking Ninja about this, Ninja simply replied "Sucks to suck." He then stated he could pay ten dollars to get his items back.

Ten Dollars

Complying with the wishes of the staff = 10 dollars to get your stuff back.
I look forward to hearing a response.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 02:05:42 AM by jackgundy »


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2015, 02:19:39 AM »
Your ban appeal is in review and we will respond within 7 days.


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2015, 02:20:20 AM »
Zarosi and I gave you all several warnings about your attitude and the spamming. I did not consider our conversation as "banter" and instead felt very attacked. When you explained you could change your names in a few days and didn't mean for the confusion, I said there was no rule against it but it's not the staff's fault if they mix you up. You should've all read the rules and should've understood what can be taken as inappropriate or disrespectful, I don't even have to give you all a warning. I did not say you would be banned because your name was Herb, I addressed the message to the Herbs because they were the ones causing the ruckus.

One of you asked why you couldn't open chests in wilderness, and I said because they belonged to other players. Honestly, that's already answered in /rules 1.  Someone said the raiding rule was dumb and I said your face is dumb. Then, I was accused of being immature and repeatedly asked how old I was. I don't see why it was anyone's business to know how old I am, but according to the Herb Brain Trust, I am 12.

On your side note, I did not only say "Sucks to suck". First I told him we had a warning about the name change glitch when you login. I'm sorry my behavior wasn't entirely professional, and you have every right to complain/report it. However, please don't cut out the bits where I gave explanations.
At no point did I tell anyone they had to change their name.

The ten dollars is to reimburse the staff for having to transfer all your stuff. Consider the time spent into transferring every locked item, mcmmo stat, money, towny, etc.


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2015, 02:41:34 AM »
In regards to "Zarosi and I gave you all several warnings..." I logged on to the server for the first time long after the other "Herbs". I was inactive in chat until the event of my ban. I received no warnings, and while I was on no general warnings were issued.

You seem to have a problem with being insulted as being immature, yet have no problem with acting very immature and also insulting us. It seems hypocritical and unfair.

Even ignoring all of this, and pretending I had been warned, is making a somewhat raunchy comparison really worth a permanent ban?


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2015, 02:44:11 AM »
You're acting just as immature. You were banned because you compared me to Hitler. How is that not disrespectful and inappropriate? You're offended because I called your face dumb, so you compare me to Hitler.


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2015, 03:00:54 AM »
No, I compared you to Hitler for punishing one person for actions of those similar to him.

And as an admin, you should be an example, not someone who acts "just as immature".


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2015, 03:31:42 AM »

He further told "The Herbs" that they would all be muted if we didn't be quiet. I asked how that was fair, as I legitimately had not said a single thing and had no control over what my friends were saying. I compared it to Hitler, which although a hyperbole, is not an irrational comparison. I was promptly permanently banned, with the reason stating "You have been banned from this server for inappropriate".

My opinion here might not be in any help, but i was playing in the server when all this fuss was happening... 

Ninja5132 (in my oppinion) had all right to ban him.
First of all. You were all (The people with the name Herb in the IGN) spamming the chat. Ninja5132 was giving you all warnings (even though he wouldnt have to). HerbSchnerbler__ said the thing about Hitler, and a reasonable ban followed.


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2015, 03:37:17 AM »
No one was spamming the chat, we were just having a discussion. Please either show some evidence or refrain from lying to admins.


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2015, 10:32:16 AM »
Use local chat to discuss stuff. Staff have all the rights to tell you not to spam chat. Only the bigotry is enough for a permanent ban.

The rules say don't act like a child. Everyones behaviour is expected to be mature.


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2015, 09:27:22 PM »
Use local chat to discuss stuff. Staff have all the rights to tell you not to spam chat. Only the bigotry is enough for a permanent ban.

The rules say don't act like a child. Everyones behaviour is expected to be mature.

What bigotry? Bigotry is intolerance of a certain group of people. How did I display this at all?


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2015, 04:40:07 PM »
Calling someone 'hitler' is for sure bigotry


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2015, 06:01:35 PM »
That statement shows a complete misunderstanding of what bigotry is. Name-Calling is not bigotry. Discrimination of a certain group of people is bigotry. Please, explain how calling someone "Hitler" is bigotry.

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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2015, 06:46:12 PM »
If you are not part of the matter please do not make unnecessary comments Eagler.


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2016, 06:54:59 PM »
Denied. The level of Idiocy you have shown us, makes it apparent. You do not belong in our community.

You and your friends had ample time to read the rules. If you want raiding find a server run by a 12 year old. Announcements that appear on every login explains name changes resulted in loss of old accounts you were warned and failure to read/understand falls on your ignorance. Furthermore your comparison of staff to be "Hitler" is not appropriate or acceptable.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 06:58:27 PM by Richgotya »


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Re: HerbSchnerbler__ Ban Appeal
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2016, 10:27:45 PM »

Firstly, at no point in this appeal did I say I wanted raiding.

Secondly, I find it ironic you say I should find a server run by a 12 year old when your admins reply "Your face is dumb" and "Sucks to suck".

Thirdly, I was unaware name calling would result in a permanent ban.

I have no desire to play on this server anymore, the staff consistently talks down and has a major superiority complex, and any intelligent argument I make will simply be dismissed. Thank you for consideration