- What is your in-game name? xXCRYMINALXx
- Current Rank? Moderator
- How long have you been on the server? Since June 24th 2013, sporadically played, and came back June 24, 2020
- How long have you been a Moderator? Since July 29th
- What is your mainly specialization that stands out and can be helpful? Remaining neutral to players, and maintaining that neutrality after punishments. As well as promptly assisting players in need.
- Is there any Staff member that suggested you to apply to admin? AMNOTBANANAAMA
- What experience do you have being a Moderator/Admin? Moderator for this server, as well as admin, once upon a time, as well as others.
- If you have had previous experience, what servers did you Moderate? I had been an owner for three server, admin for four, and moderator for six, not including my time as staff here.
- What plugins are you familiar with? Essentials, LWC, WorldEdit, Multiverse, and MobArena. But, I can learn any plugins needed, as long as I can read documentation about it.
- Are you currently staff on any other servers? No, I'm loyal to SentinelCraft <3
- Additional Information: My main reason for wanting this promotion is so I can better help our players more in game.