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Author Topic: Our Adventure (A story in my mind)  (Read 1524 times)


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  • My name is Rob aka Guardkip or Robby.
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Our Adventure (A story in my mind)
« on: March 19, 2016, 09:49:53 AM »
Hello my name is Rob and i will tell you all the adventures we did in the world of minecraftia

Episode 1: The Beginning

 I lived in a Village called Dragon Valley, where all the tastest Dragonfruit was planted and eaten by the villagers throughtout the land. I was the First Guard in charge of watching over the villagers if they do something bad ,Well i will give them a lesson so i been doing just fine with my friend canine, he is the Head Guard protecting villagers for bandits or mobs and when there is someone who need some help he also come to the rescue and also i almost forget my other friend goose, she is the farmer and merchant when she is in a different village she can SweetTalk the villagers to buying the crops and yeah i was doing so good but that night happened.

 Me and canine was just eating with our stepdad and stepmom, Well long story short i was abandoned by my real parent and canine was also was abandoned by his real parent but he was raise by wolf so that why his name is canine but anyway we talk to our step parents and our dad say Goodjob my sons you did your job right again I said Dad i only watch everyone like always i wish i was the second head guard too and then his say but rob you need to remember your a sharpshoot and responsible that why you just watching the villagers to take action and try to reason with them and also canine is a strong , brave and fast but sometimes his reckless that why i hate him for that, Canine said Dad!!! and then our dad laughed and said i am just joking you two are the best sons i every have dont make me disappointed , Me & Canine said OK! Dad we won't let you down and there it was the scream of the villager.

 All the villagers check who scream and it was a Goose's Dad, We tried to find clues who could of done this and I found a special knife i give it to my dad for evidence , but also goose was there looking at his dying father, crying and saying who did this. We tried to keep quiet but she force us to tell her and we told her we dont know so we tried to talk with the villagers but no one know what happened.

So this is the first episode so i hope you like it and let me know your feedback cya :)
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 10:56:00 AM by TheRobloxxMC »