#3 SentinelCraft Minecraft Awards! - 2nd Phase
Hello everyone!
In the
next 2 weeks you will be able to
vote for the overall player! Those players were qualified by winning their category on the previous phase!
Best Overall Player: - Prize:
Minecrafter title on forums + 1 year of fly and 1 year with 6 cool disguises such as dragon, guardian, wither, and 3 that they can choose! A. CatchingCrowns
B. Pauizz
C. shayh02
D. Zweerd
E. BlacksVelvet
F. Heimburger
G. romaze6
H. elimate98
I. Fjerreiro
J. Zarosi
You can vote for your favourite on the link below.
Your vote on this link may help your favourite win the best overall player award of 2016!These are the qualifiers for each category:
1. Best PvP'er: - Prize: Pack of Weapons and Armor
A. Zweerd
romaze6 C. Enrique621
D. NeonLove5
E. Epicnata
2. Best Builder: - Prize: /fly for 1 month or Pack of Blocks
A. Spock123
B. RogueFriday
C. Coldemort
D. BlacksVelvet
Heimburger3. Best Redstoner: - Prize: Free Redstone Materials Request (Once)
A. Chris9495
B. DocPepps
C. Heimburger
Zweerd E. Old_Peculiar
4. Best Mayor: - Prize: 10000$ In-Game money and 50 extra plots for town
A. hvjoeri
B. Aurum_Crescent
C. Eagler1997
D. Xander27926
Pauizz5. Best Event Host: - Prize: 25000 In-Game Money and Donator Rank
A. calvinpijn
B. lukpwh
Fjerreiro D. Aurum_Crescent
E. DanteVentura
6. Most active forum player: - Prize: 5000+ Reputation on forums
A. ZwemmendeBoom
B. SuperSonic14045
elimate98 D. Jzargo
E. AbdullahTrees
7. Most helpful and friendly player: - Prize: Free World Edit Request or Donator Rank
BlacksVelvet B. xTeacup_
C. Aurum_Crescent
D. BrendaxNL
E. KibikiKibble
8. Most funny player: - Prize: Access to special and custom commands
A. Coldemort
B. KibikiKibble
C. Zweerd
D. ninja5132
CatchingCrowns9. Most dedicated player: - Prize: McMMO Boost for 1 Month
Zarosi B. CatchingCrowns
C. Tipsytea
D. SuperSonic14045
E. elimate98
10. Most annoying player: - Prize: 72 hour mute then a "Get out of Mute Free Card"
A. Fighter__98
B. Jzargo
C. TheRobloxxMC
D. 2_Spooky4U
shayh02The Final winner and full results/percentages of each category will be announced at
May 29! Admins will be able to win this prize if they become the winner.
Good luck to everyone!