« on: April 13, 2017, 07:29:50 PM »
I've come across a disturbing situation I feel compelled to share.
All across the world, villagers are being targeted and attacked, not only by the undead but by ourselves.
Families broken..
Lives destroyed..
Homes ransacked.
Some others have also seen their plight and taken steps to aid the villagers.
Many have fled or been relocated from dangerous areas to refugee camps, just like this one.
But these camps were meant as temporary solutions, and with more villagers coming in daily, they are forced into increasing more cramped and squalid conditions. In some cases two or even three refugees are forced to share a single 3 by 6 meter room. With no plans on how to relocate the refugees or reclaim their homes, the camps are little more than prisons and workhouses, where they are forced to perform services and manufacture goods without any hope of their living conditions improving.
I am publishing this in an effort to raise awareness for the villagers; our allies, our friends, our family. Others out there like myself have taken an active effort to preserve their homes and their way of life by fortifying their towns against such threats as Zombies and the barbaric Griefers.
But a far greater sacrifice is needed. In many cases these towns need more than a wall, they need a caretaker. Someone to actively work to ensure the village is self-sustaining and that the population is growing. Without this, these towns are just as doomed as before.
If there is a village in your area you could assist, or you have abundant resources to donate, I ask you show your support below and immediately makes plans to aid our friends. An entire people, a society, and culture is about to go extinct, but we can prevent it.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 10:12:33 PM by Migas »
Rage is unbridled, but wrath can be honed.
Anger can be righteous, but be first filled with
Righteousness, lest your angry give way to rage.
Turn not to rage, but hone your wrath into fury.
This is the creed of the crusader.