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Author Topic: DnD Sessions  (Read 1696 times)


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DnD Sessions
« on: March 28, 2019, 02:55:10 PM »

On the 27th of March 5PM CST, a brand new adventure began on SentinelCraft. A band of wayward adventurers who started off with nothing but shackles on their arms and weapons in their hands slowly found themselves in the webs of a conspiracy. Will they rise to the challenge and save the land of Allordo or sink into the fangs of the mysterious cult...?

Ello ello everybody! I'm Eliza and I am the DM (Dungeon Master) of this campaign. Together with the lovely group of Chris, Quazy, Kibi, Duke and Amnot (Along with Duck Eli), I work with them to spin a tale of adventure and danger. I'll be posting the chats of each session in this post both for me to keep track and let players and whoever is interested to read! : D

Also! For those people who are interested to be a temporary character in party, feel free to message me on discord ; )

Session 1 (Part 1):

Eliza (GM): Eli!
Ello Chris

Eli L.: hoi!
this is too much info for me
i don't understand ****

Eliza (GM): Oh thats not for you
Thats for the players XD

Eli L.: gasp

Eliza (GM): You can just be a good Eli and sit down and watch

Eli L.: can i draw an onion on the side of the canvas though

Eliza (GM): Can you...? XD

Eli L.: idk can i

(At this point, I accidentally moved the map)

Eli L.: big sad
ohmygod the map moved

Eliza (GM): Shhh
Is Quazy awake

Eli L.: the earth is moving
yes he .. was?
lemem spam him

Eliza (GM): Chris ya awake

Chris R.: Erm
Trying to learn rq

Eliza (GM): Oh yah take ya time
The moving of characters will be done by me dont worry
Ya just hafta roll

Eli : oof i think everyone's lost

(Duke logged on.)

Eliza (GM): Ello Duke

Baron Von D.: Hello.


Chris R.: Perfect, so I just need to look

Eliza (GM): And roleplay :D
Oh yah
Kibi'll be late because she's at work

Baron Von D.: Okay, so I quit minecraft.
I cant focus on both, lowkey

Eliza (GM): Don't worry. I'm watching chat

(Chris rolls a d20 = 2 Spoiler alert, he doesn't roll pretty good for the entire session.)

Eliza (GM): Wow

Chris R.: Alright, lets get that out of the way

Eliza (GM): That's a really bad roll

Baron Von D.: chris rollin' mad stats

Eli : oofed

Eliza (GM): Chris you gotta bring up your game

Baron Von D.: roll a 1 against a sewer rat pls

Eli : LOL

Chris R.: Ok, so website asked for my mic, wheres the voicechat options?

Eliza (GM): You dont have to vc if you dont want to

Baron Von D.: I would admittedly like to.

Chris R.: I would prefer some type of vc

Eliza (GM): There's this cog

Chris R.: If its this site, if it has one, or discord

(Amnot joined)

Amnot: hello

Eliza (GM): Ello Amnot

Eli : banana :D

Baron Von D.: hi guy

Eliza (GM): Ya'll can vc on discord, I think it'll be easier
I'll turn down the music so we can hear ya'll

Baron Von D.: somebody hit me up with a discord invite then, i'll happily join a vc

Eliza (GM): And yeah, I'll be listening

Chris R.: I was just going to use sentinelcrafts

Eliza (GM): Everyone in my household is asleep XD

Baron Von D.: works by me, lol

Eliza (GM): Yah use Sentinel
We're waiting on Quazy?

Baron Von D.: I dont know if im recording lowkey.

Eliza (GM): You arent XD

Baron Von D.: frick

Eliza (GM): Eli what's le Quazy doing

Eli : he is not replying
so im gonna assume he 1) died 2) fell asleep 3) doing chores 4) kidnapped by polar vortex

Eliza (GM): Fucking hell polar vortex
And we can

Eli : sounds like how i do my exams
do the tutorials 5 minutes before the exam

Eliza (GM): XD

Amnot: i think i pissed off my laptop

Eliza (GM): Amnot join the vc

Eric G.: i'm so sorry

Eli : #truestory


(On the screen now is a map of a harbor with five tokens, or character models, on the map. One of a large foxman, one of a Genasi with a long sword, one of a Genasi with a staff, Kibi's personal drawing of her character and a rogue character. The party is all at the harbour. Near the warehouses is a token of an armour wearing, sword wielding Half Elf.)

Eli : which character is who's

Kibi: i'm the icon that doesn't have a white background

Eli: yea kinda guessed yours
i know kibi's

Eliza (GM): The one below Kibi is Chris'

(Somebody asked how tall is Chris' character, Nith, who is a half ling.)

Eli L.: oof
2f 11

Eliza (GM): The guy with the staff is Amnot

Eli : what

(Duke was saying how unexpectedly cool all of this was, his words not mine.)

Eliza (GM): The guy with the sword below the guy with the staff is Quazy
And Duke is foxman
I am a cool person
So we're waiting on 2 more minutes
For Quazy

Eliza (GM): Quazy responded

Eli : gonna spam him on messager

(At this point, Quazy joined with this badass looking profile picture of a badass looking guy.)

Eliza (GM): Alrighty, when Quazy joins
I'll say the rules

Eli : qua qua :D

Quazy: hi wut

(Duke and Chris were talking about how badass Quazy's profile pic, it honestly is. Quazy should upload it ; ) )

William M.: hi wut
it's an img LOL

Eliza (GM): Quazy join the vc :D

William M.: I did

Eliza (GM): Oh yah
I'm sorry its 6am

William M.: oh on discord I did
is that ok

Eliza (GM): Yah
Welcome to Sentinel's first DnD session!
I'm Eliza, your DM or Dungeon Master for tonight
All OOC (Out of Character) must follow the usual Sentinel rules
In character though? Go crazy
Have a cow flying through the sky or something

(Chris' microphone started to echo the sound of a thousand broken bells.)

Eliza (GM): Is everybody ready?
Oh god Chris
Your echo

Kibi: I'm ready

Quazymoodo: yah yah yah

Eliza (GM): Goood
In a far off distance, with oceans far enough to see
The scent of sea salt in the air as seagulls squawked in the air
This is a story filled with riches
And love... Maybe?

Eliza (GM): Kibi can find love, not sure about the others
This is not a usual adventure story
We start our adventures with.... Five prisoners
your characters are prisoners

Eli : oof

(The players started to ask if they're slaves or prisoners. Duke did the worst deed of them all; steal cookies.)

Eliza (GM): COmmunity workers
All of you have created 1 bad deed
That caused you to be in trouble with the authorities
Be it for good will or for bad will
Yes you stole the cookies of the guard's mother

(In my games, I encourage craziness. So yes, I take it that Duke's reason for ending up in Port Amphitrite is stealing the Head Guard's mother's cookies.)

Eliza (GM): Oh no no!

Eliza (GM): I encourage this XD
Make your opening statements
As all you survey each other

Kibi: Xii, about 5'5", very light green hair with blood orange eyes, he doesn't look very intimidating
He's also wearing a mask that looks like an owl's face

Quazymoodo: I am a Genasi warlock; my flesh is like wind, and my hair is pure white, but my eyes show a great darkness behind them /edgelord

(Chris, Duke and Amnot were introducing their characters in voice chat. Chris' character is a halfling that is 2'11 tall and is the shortest in the party. Freaking Duke's character, Duke, is the Statue of Liberty at 7 feet tall +. Amnot's character Banana Split is also mega tall, though I forgot what is his exact height.)

Eliza (GM): Edgelord XD
What about ya Banana Split
Awesome we have a party of giants
He isn't

(Someone asked if the characters are shackled.)

Eliza (GM): A tall man with elf like features wearing gold armour walked towards you
The Half-Elf stared down on the shortest creature in the party
"What are you filth doing here."
(Shackled yes)
Eliza (GM): (Belongings are all on you)
(God dammit Duke. No)

(Duke asked something, I facepalmed. I forgot what it was.)

Kibi: "Well" looks at shackles "Looks like we didn't have much of a ****ing choice. You tell me."

Eliza (GM): (You're enslaved by the guards basically)

Quazymoodo: nods in agreement with the halfling

Eliza (GM): The Half-Elf squinted his eyes at the unusual band of creatures

(Somebody ask if they can just leave)

Eliza (GM): "No."
"You're here in the beautiful Port Amphitrite to do some community work."
"Namely, we have trouble with the livestock in our... only farm"
"The farmer there will explain more."
The Half Elf then jumped

(Honestly, I don't know why I made Bowen jump. Also someone insulted Port Amphitrite, Papa Bowen no likey.)

Eliza (GM): "I suppose I have to introduce myself."
"My name is Bowen Cheekridden, Overseer of this lovely port town."
Bowen stared down at the person who insulted this place
As if you offended him himself
"Do not! Insult this town!"

Kibi: air quotes "Town"

Eliza (GM): Bowen glared at every single one of you
(I mean, you can type in chat box for IC)

(Eli asks if she can sneak in comments. Duke says she's alwas annoying, in a good way.)

Eli : (can the stalking person talk like this to insert annoying comments)

Eliza (GM): (Sure)

Eli : (exactly)
(thank you)
( : - D )

(Somebody asks if it's gonna be a harbour forever.)

Eliza (GM): Bowen sighed softly and looks annoyed
"I'm going to release you, you better not escape town."
(I have a map for you)
(Not this)
As Bowen go in to unlock your shackles
You can see this long golden sword by his sword

Eliza (GM): It glints dangerously in the sunlight
It seemed as if it'll be a dangerous weapon

Amnot: (nice sword buddy)

Eli : (budder sword)

Eliza (GM): Bowen looked up at the Genasi, "Thank you. At least SOMEONE knows fine craftmanship."

Eli : (smacks sword bends)

Eliza (GM): (God dammit Eli)
All of you are now free men
Well free ish
Your goal now is to go to the farm

Quazymoodo: Can I flee?

Eliza (GM): And figure out why ther eis missing livestock
Yes you can
Roll a stealth check
Only Quazy
Since he wants to flee
Oh who's distracting the guards?

(Somebody asked in vc how to roll.)

Eliza (GM): ./d20 + (modifier)

Pocketcott: ./roll 1d20 + modifier

(So how Quazy's gonna roll is that he'll be rolling a d20 + his dexterity modifier. His modifier is 0.)

Quazy: Rolled d20 (11) + 0 = 11

(In return for his roll, I'll roll the guard's Perception roll to see if he spots him. I had a godly roll. My god imagine if that had been an attack roll... Also after Bowen spotted him, Quazy did the Levitate spell.)

Eliza (GM): Rolled d20 (20) + 6 = 26
Bowen looked at the sneaking away Genasi
What spell

Eli : (LMAO)
(5 minutes in: quazy has left the chat)

(Quazy knows magic. Magically Quazy.)

Eliza (GM): You know how magic works right Quazy
Okay, good I don't have to teach you XD
So you're using levitate?
Bowen sees this flying
blue thing
And he's like 'wtf'

(Chris said that Bowen isn't a good Half-Elf since he doesn't know a simple spell. WELL BOWEN'S SORRY CHRIS, HE DIDN'T DO SO WELL IN MAGIC SCHOOL! ;; Also, a question was asked here. I can't remember what it was.)

Eliza (GM): Bowen sighed, his face screaming 'Why am I in charge of idiots.'
"You better get your friend down or I'll ship you back to the volcano in Aurelia."

Pocketcott: "We barely know each other what makes you think we can do that."

Eliza (GM): "Because what waits for you is hot fiery lava."

Amnot: "c'mon get down, i've always wanted to visit a farm!"

Eliza (GM): Bowen nodded, seemingly liking Banana Split's attitude.
"Yes, yes."
"Get your ass down h... What's your name again."
"What are all of your names."
(Introduce yourself IC.)

Pocketcott: "Xii"

Amnot: "Banana Split" i say, flashing a cheeky smile

Baron Von D.: Baron Von Duke, foxnuki sword for overall hire, generally going where the tides and gold bring me.

(Chris introduces the short stack, Nith. Nith also asks where is the farm. Keep in mind north of the map is full of water.)

Eliza (GM): bowen looked down at the shortstack, "It's north of here. It's been a long trip though, you sure you don't wanna rest.?"
(I'm going to get revenge for all of the midget jokes)

Kibi: (...what?)
(its not the size of the fighter its the size of the fight???)

(Something Chris said in relate to me calling Nith shortstack.)


AMnot.: Banana answers for the little fella. "no time to rest! there's a cow that needs our help!"

Chris R.: (I assume we got here by boat)?

Eliza (GM): (Yah)

Bowen grinned slightly, "You better getting moooovin along. Right after your introductions."

Amnot.: (did he just make a ****ing moo pun)

Quazymoodo: sighs from across the dock at that bad pun

(Nith facepalmed. Bowen was very very proud.)

Eliza (GM): Bowen lookd at Quasimoodo, "What about you.... Strange blue thing."
"What's your name."

Baron Von D.: (It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog or w/e)

Quazymoodo: "I cannot tell you; an army of genasi would fall upon our location in an instant if I did!"

Eliza (GM): Bowen paused for a moment, as if to tell whether or not you're lying.

Eli : (chihuahua vs. husky)

Eliza (GM): "I don't trust you but I could honestly not give a ****."

Amnot: gives quazy's character a sideways glance

Quazymoodo: shrugs "I don't care; I must be on my way, so I doubt we'll meet again."

Eliza (GM): Bowen furrowed his eyebrows, "You're not leaving this place until you help them. You have a debt to the government."

Amnot: "be careful he's got a butter sword. i wouldn't cross him"

Eliza (GM): Proud Bowen.

Quazymoodo: "I'm innocent, I assure you!"

Eli : (unbreaking 1 gold sword, very intimidating)

He unsheathes his long butter... Gold sword

Quazymoodo: "You can't always trust what they have to say."

(Somebody ask where the farm is.)

Eliza (GM): "So get moving or I'll make sure you end up as a wind in the desert."

Kibi: Xii is going to start going North

Amnot: I start to shuffle forward, scanning the ground for cow tracks

Quazymoodo: "Fine by me."

Kibi: towards the farm

(Somebody, I think Chris, pointed out the body of water. I totally knew about that, totally. I just wanted to test them.)

Eliza (GM): Oh oops
Uh south

Quazymoodo: walks into town, I'll show up at some point probably : - )

(I'm preparing the map.)

Eliza (GM): Gimme a moment
Are you gonna be with them

Quazymoodo: aye

Eliza (GM): Eventually
All of you end up in the farm
The first thing you see
Is this short, shorter than Nith, running up towards you screaming and cursing in Dwarvish

(The players now see a large farm map and they're at the beginning of the road. Also, Duke managed to figure out how to pinpoint the location he wants his character to go, by sending out a freaking submarine signal XD Now Chris and Duke are just saying bing everytime it appears.)

Eli : bing

Eliza (GM): You wanna translate what he said
He's an old dwarf

Kibi: I can understand dwarvish

Eliza (GM): Yall wanna translate what he said? XD
What you've translated is

Amnot: (lmfao)

Eli : (oof)

Kibi: "We are not the thieves you are looking for"

Amnot: (good rendition of americans)

Eliza (GM): All the while you see this short dwarf with greying hair ran up to the group.

Eli : (special meatpie cough)

Eliza (GM): His hand is holding a very rusty and blunt bronze sword
He seemed to not hear what Xii said

Amnot: Banana instinctively pulls out his holy symbol, an ordinary banana

(Duke asked to be moved)

Eliza (GM): Who's the one moving?

Eli : (omg an odrinary banana)

Eliza (GM): Once he saw the banana symbol
He paused in his steps
Almost confused at the holy symbol

Amnot: banana is emboldened by his hesitation, "yeah buddy! that's what i thought"

Eliza (GM): The farmer just put down his haybale and bronze sword.

Eli : (banana is your special ability "infinite bananas")

Amnot.: (i wish)

(The farmer asked what the party was doing here.

Chris: We are a ragtag bunch of criminals who had done horrible things who are here to figure out who stole your livestock (Or something like that) )

Eliza (GM): He now speaks in Common, "What are you doing here? Oh are you the reinforcements I've been told about?"
"Better than nothing, honestly."

(Good job Chris. A* is comforting the man.)

Amnot: "we're looking for a cow" banana adds unhelpfully

Eliza (GM): "My name is Darius Melodius."
"In the past week or so, half of my livestock completely disappeared."

(Duke: Don't look at me.)

Eli : (looks at the fox)

Eliza (GM): "And I don't know what happened to them."
Darius gets all teary eyed

(Freaking someone was saying 'Oh Betsey.' In this sexy voice that's got me laughing so hard. And he says it continuously whenever Darius weeps FOR HIS LOST SHEEP.)

Eli : (looks at duke's tummy)

Eliza (GM): "Betsey is my dear pet sheep."

Amnot: (owo)

Eliza (GM): "She was the most recent disappearance."

Amnot: banana is visibly disappointed at the lack of cows

(Nith: where did you last see your livestock.)

Eliza (GM): "I have no ****ing clue."
"I have searched everywhere."
"I figured, sine you have experiences in the criminal deeds."

Amnot: i start heading into the shrubbery, calling bessie's name

(Somebody asked for the number of livestock missing. Duke asked to be oved into the crops area.)

Eliza (GM): "10 cows, 8 sheeps, 15 chickens."
"You can look around I guess..."
"Investigate in my farm."
Duke rigt

Eliza (GM): Everyone roll Investigation roll
./roll d20 + your modifier

Kibi: Rolled d20 (15)

Duke: Rolled d20 (6)

Chris: Rolled d20 (5) + 3 = 8

Quazy: D20 (4) +1 = 5

Eliza (GM): Quazy doesn't need to
Since he isnt there

Quazymoodo: (perhaps my roll was bad because I wasn't even at the farm)

Eliza (GM): All characters that has the modifier rolled ass
I find that irnic
So, Duke, banana and Chris
You noticed this is a very nice farm
It is a very green farm
Xii however

Eliza (GM): xii approached the fences and see a bunch of sheeps fur stuck on the fences
The fences looked broken, while a good chunk of sheeps fur is attached to it
It looked like it was ripped away

Pocketcott: So a struggle?

Eliza (GM): Maybe~
You wanna call the other people to it?

Pocketcott: "So I found some fur on the fence? Are sheep prone to rubbing full chunks off on broken fences?"

Eliza (GM): Do you guys wanna follow?

Eric G.: I saunter up to Xii, wondering what she found

(Sure Xii, sheeps like use fences as back scratchers xD Sheep back scratchers, now for 4.99! Anyway, Nith walks up to Banana and Xii to look at the piece of cotton.)

Eliza (GM): Do you guys wanna follow?

Amnot: I saunter up to Xii, wondering what she found

Eliza (GM): You three roll a survival check
Watch Chris get a 1

Chris: Rolled D20 (3) + 2 = 5

Kibi: Rolled d20 (14) + 2 =16

Eliza (GM): Damn

Amnot: Rolled d20 (2) + 2 = 4

Eliza (GM): Kibi is on fire

Amnot: :(

Kibi: don't worry it'll **** me over eventually

Eliza (GM): XD
Nearby, Xii found ths faint but dark brown trail of blood
He smelt the ground and noticed it smelted like rusted, decaying blood
Duke you wanna follow?
The trail leads off into the forest
Do you want to go in?

Kibi: I'll start following the trail

Eliza (GM): Eventually you'll come across this gigantic, dark cave
Does anyone have dakrvision?

Kibi: i do

« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 03:07:24 PM by EpicEliza »


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Re: DnD Sessions
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2019, 03:06:32 PM »
Session 1 (Part 2):

Eliza (GM): Xii is so useful honestly
All he's been doing is rolling good
You can check
So xii'll be in front?

Kibi: Sounds like it lmao

Amnot.: i follow cautiously behind xii. this was nothing like the fun Banana temple I was used to

Eliza (GM): The cave you entered in
Even with the help of Xii's darkvision
You can see it's damp, cold

Baron Von D.: (I checked and I guess I dont have darkvision)

Eliza (GM): The walls a sickening blue in colour

Baron Von D.: (wheres duke vision when you need it)

Eliza (GM): The most obvious feature is that, the cave reeks of death
Do you descend into the cave?

Kibi: Uhhh
one secc

Eliza (GM): Mmhmm

Kibi: Okay so I cast light to make it bright for the others

(Keep in mind. Eliza's a dumb dumb so I forgot to turn off fog of war and all the players see now is pure dakrness on the screen.)

Eliza (GM): Oh awesome

Kibi: its one of my cantrips

Eliza (GM): Whats the spell

Kibi: lemme grab it

Eliza (GM): Oh awesome
s all of you ascend down
Two blobs of jelly started to ooze up right form the ground

Kibi: Xii backs the **** up

Eliza (GM): It made a grotesque sound
Like Eli before her exams

Eli : grotesque sound intensifies

(Nith wants to stealth attack up to one slime.)

Eliza (GM): The slimes groaned in agony and anger as it rolled up into you
nith roll stealth

Chris: Rolled d20 (11) + 8 =19

Eliza (GM): Damn

Amnot.: (nice)

Eliza (GM): The slimes did not notice you at all
Whatcha wanna do rogue
One of them's a Gelatinous Cube

Amnot.: (are we in a slime chunk?)

(Chris asked if he could melee attack the Ochre jelly. He said he wants to do an attack on his short bow next, instead. I asked him whats his reach, he said 80ft, which is like 12 boxes on the map. I thought he meant melee, I remember thinking 'Holy **** thats a long arm or sword.')

Eliza (GM): what's your reach ninth?
For a melee?

Quazymoodo: thrown maybe))

(Since Nith is stealthing, he has advantage on attack rolls. This means he can roll twice and he gets the higher number. He attacks the Ochre jelly. He also is proficient in simple ranged weapons which grants him an extra +2 on attack rolls.)

Eliza (GM): Oh okay
You wanna attack with your short bow?
Roll d20 plus your dex
For attack roll
On which one

Eliza (GM): Which slime

Chris: Rolled d20 (3) + 6 = 9

(Ochre Jelly has an armour class, or ac, of 8. Chris rolled an attack roll of 9, which is higher than 8. This grants him the opportunity to roll for damage.)

Eliza (GM): Oh hit
Roll damage
Ochre's jelly armour class is 8

Chris: Rolled 1d6 (5) + 4 = 9

Eliza (GM): Seeing as how the slimes didn't notice you, Nnith
You stood up and ready up your short bow
Closing one eye and aiming for the smaller slime, you launch an arrow right into the slime's eye
It groaned in pain as it blobbed back for a moment, green blood oozing out of the wound
You got any bonus actions KErisu


(Initiative is the turns the players and enemies involved take. The one with the higher initiative starts first. Chris attacks first with his shortbow.)

Chris: Rolled 1d20 (12) + 4 = 16

Duke: Rolled 1d20 (6) -1 = 5

Kibi: Rolled 1d20 (12) + 4 = 14

Eliza (GM): Yup

Baron Von D.: 5 because my initiative is -1

Amnot: Rolled 1d20 (10) + 3 = 13

Eliza (GM): Rolled d20 (14) - 2 = 12
Gelatinuous' cube roll
Rolled d20 (9) - 4 = 5
Chris is up first
Whatchu wanna do
Attack roll

Chris: Rolled d20 (1) + 6 = 7

Eliza (GM): Miss
You tried to launch another arrow into the slime you damaged
But it made a hole just in time as it bubbled mockingly
As if laughing at you
Xii's up next
Whatcha wanna do

Kibi: I would like to shoot the cube with my longbow please

Eliza (GM): Attacku rollu

Kibi: "Excuse me sir may I shoot you in the faaace"
Rolled 1d20 (2) + 6= 8

Eliza (GM): Hit
Roll damage

Kibi: Rolled 1d8 (8) + 2 = 10

Eliza (GM): Oh which monster Xii

Kibi: The one that is already hurt

Eliza (GM): The slime that still had an arrow impaled in him has yet another arrow plunged into his other eye
As it whined in pain and whimpered
Banana's next

Amnot: i unarmed strike mr. arrow slime

Eliza (GM): Damn
roll attack
plus another proficiency because of unarmed strike

Amnot: (whats a proficiencyy)

Quazymoodo: (hey guys; back)
(are y'all dead yet)

Eliza (GM): ( Just +2 to your modifier)

(Unarmed Strike is an action all classes can do, it does a bludgeoning damage of 1 + your strength modifier. If you're proficient in your hands, you do1d4 + your strength modifer instead.)

Amnot: Rolled 1d20 (18) + 5 = 23

Eliza (GM): Wow

Baron Von D.: xd

Eliza (GM): ROll attack

Amnot.: (does attack get the +2 too?)

Eliza (GM): Are you using a proficient weapon?
A weapon that you're proficient in?

Amnot: i am using my fists, unarmed

(Chris' explaining Unarmed Strike.)

Eliza (GM): What Chris said

Amnot: (i left vc)

Eliza (GM): Oh

Amnot: (didn't hear it, imma just roll)

Eliza (GM): Since you're not proficient in your hands
You're only gonna do 1 + your str modifier
If you were, you'd be doing 1d4 + str modifier

Amnot.: okay so 1 +1=2 damage

Eliza (GM): You gave that slime a solid punch
As it staggered back a bit
Blinking in confusion
The slime looks very beaten up


Quazymoodo: (aaaa double voice)

Eliza (GM): Next up is Ochre's jelly
It's gonna try to attack Xii

Kibi: ookayyy

Eliza (GM): Rolled d20 (13) - 2 = 11

Kibi: did not hit

(Someone said duck)

Eli : (did someone say duck)

Eliza (GM): Damn
The slime tried to give Xii a nice big acid filled hug
But Xii managed to ninja roll out of the way

Quazymoodo: (I call eli plays my familiar duck pet that I don't have yet)

Eliza (GM): NExt up's Duke

Baron Von D.: rolling d8(1)= 1

Eliza (GM): XD

Kibi: XD

(Duke rolled for damage by accident)

Eliza (GM): Oh
no, Duke
You roll /roll d20 + your whatever modifier

Eli : (i will be your duck pet)

Baron Von D.: rolling d20(9)+1= 10

Eliza (GM): Which are you hitting

(Duke's gonna aim for the Ochre Jelly.)

Eliza (GM): Who are you hitting Dook
Oh okay
You hit
Roll damage

Quazymoodo: makes friends with a duck in the forest before I stumble along the cave

Baron Von D.: rolling 1d8 (eight)-1= 7

Eliza (GM): Damn
You aimed straight into the ochre jelly's nose
And nocked an arrow into it nose, making it look like slime Voldemort
Next up's Gelatinous scube
It's gonna try to walk up to Duke

(Quazy, who was sneaking up behind the group before, now wants to have an appearance to help our group. He is gonna roll for stealth. I in return will roll for the sllime's perceptions to notice him.)

Eliza (GM): You can
Xii cast Light
Quzy you wanna stealth
Roll a steallth roll

Quazymoodo: rolling d20(13)= 13

Eliza (GM): I'm now gonna roll for the slimes to notice you
rolling d20(14)-4= 10
rolling d20(16)-5= 11
Did not notice oyu

Quazymoodo: lit)

Eliza (GM): After I roll Gelatinous' cubes attack
You can join in inititative + adv
Gelat's gonna try attacking Dook
rolling d20 (15)-2= 13

Baron Von D.: no

Eliza (GM): Hit or miss
It hits

Baron Von D.: I would assume it would hit? I dunno how to check. Dukes also 12 armor class.

Eliza (GM): rolling d4(3)= 3
Okay Duke, it took off 3 of your score

Baron Von D.: oof
welp im dead it was fun

Eliza (GM): Oh nah
you have 12 health now

Baron Von D.: im kidding, haha

Eliza (GM): XD
Alrighty, Quazy roll initiative
with adv

Quazymoodo: rolling d20(18)= 18
rolling d20(20)= 20

Eliza (GM): Damn
Where do you wanna be Quazy
Does it work quazy?

Amnot: (it

Kibi: Wait can y'all see the map? Its completely black for me

Eliza (GM): Wait what

Baron Von D.: (No. Black)

Amnot: (it's been black for me as well i just assumed it was supposed to be)

(Now I turned off fog of war so the players can see now.)

Eliza (GM): BetteR?

Baron Von D.: oooooo

Eliza (GM): Can ya'll see it

Kibi: Waoh this is pretty map

Amnot.: (ya)

Eliza (GM): Awesome

Baron Von D.: i would actually have noticed and cared about more if i knew bodies were literally everywhere

(Quazy moves and goes to do Frost Touch on the injured slime.)

Eliza (GM): The slime that is?
I cant hear you
On which slime

Eli : (okokok)
breathes in

Quazymoodo: https://dnd5e.fandom.com/wiki/Chill_Touch

(I created Duck Eli on the map!)


Amnot.: (what a nice duck!)

Quazymoodo: (she quacks me up)

Amnot: (i'm tempted to exit combat and pet it)

Eli : (holy **** is that an actual image of a duck i love this)

Eliza (GM): roll attack

Eli : goes back to eating

Eliza (GM): Attack roll

Quazymoodo: rolling d20(3)= 3

Eliza (GM): Miss
As you try to cast a skeletal hand, it hits th ceiling and disappears
Chris' next
attack roll

(Chris is gonna attack with a shortbow at the slowly dying slime.)

Chris R.: rolling 1d20(5)+6= 11

Eliza (GM): Hit

Chris R.: rolling 1d6(6)+4= 10

Eliza (GM): As Nith plunged another arrow into the slime, it yelled out in pain
As it fizzled and melted into a pile of slime
As all of you panted hard
The adrenaline coursing through your veins

Amnot: (which one is me? am i next to the duck)

Eliza (GM): The one on otp of Xii

Amnot.: (ty)

Eliza (GM): The still undamaged gelatinuous cube staed down at you
Glaring menacingly
That's where we'll stop for today
Cause I need to go for work! ;;

Kibi: It was a good first session! I enjoyed it!

Eliza (GM): : D
Same time next week?

Kibi: Sounds good! I'll let you know if I'll be late or not, I get my schedule tomorrow

Eliza (GM): Awesome

Quazymoodo: oke

Eliza (GM): I hope ya'll enjoy it

Quazymoodo: o/

Amnot: thanks for the fun!

Eliza (GM): See ya'll later


« Last Edit: March 29, 2019, 12:15:47 PM by EpicEliza »