- What is your in-game name? Creepy_Crawlers
- Current Rank? Donators
- Where are you from? Texas USA
- What is your age? 21
- How often do you vote? I tend to not vote very often unless I see the voting message in-game, and then I go vote.
- When did you join the server? February 2014 or June 2018
- What time of the day are you on? (include timezone) I tend to be on either early mornings or late evenings. My work schedule is all over the place so it depends on the day.
- Are you currently staff on any other servers? Negative
- Why do you think should you be promoted and how will you be helpful? I was once an admin so I feel like I still know a lot of the staff duties. I stepped down due to my activity on the server but the moment I stepped down my activity went back up. I feel like I should have thought more about it before I stepped down because I realized my school work was the thing prohibiting me from joining but I am done with school. I am quite active now and try to still be helpful when I can when no staff are online. I also know a great deal of the staff stuff still.
- Do you feel like you can be neutral and be loyal to the server rules above all else? Yes
- Additional Information: Can I get a private response?