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Author Topic: Multidisciplinary 22 year old looking for a fun and rich work experience  (Read 3697 times)


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I would like you to give an email where I can send my real CV; here I will have a little paragraph about my Minecraft resume. I thank you for your time and understanding.

I have played for 7 years now, and so far have not been disappointed by it. I have purchased the official Minecraft in 2014 and enjoyed it a lot. I have been a builder for 3 build teams, including "Altantis". Then, as life moved to a faster pace I set up a few build teams by helping on short term and then moving to bigger teams where I managed partly finance and building communication. I am a towny town mayor and would like to build a new one here. I have had a run on 2 server startups as finance/builder/head admin however, the owner never got the server popularised.

I have had extensive gaming experience and study management. I am currently launching my 2nd product in my home country of Switzerland, therefore, I have a skill set that any application here cannot compete with. I speak French, English and German fluently, and have already done the job of a Project manager.

So to conclude, this application is specific to a managerial position (Bachelor in Management in progress) where I will still have the availability to study, and build my town :D

I am available for any inquiries on behalf of any staff or players. Please contact me by discord, where my User is Artibor#7676

I like to keep things short and professional. However, I am here to enjoy myself as well.

About me: I have a strong set of values, yet, I am flexible. This is helped by my excellent communication skills which in turn help me easily take control of any situation to solve problems. My weaknesses on the other hand, I have a tendency to get bored easily, thus, I looked into a nice server I could invest some time and maybe enjoy teaching others how they can operate at a much higher level.

Elliot AKA Artibor


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Re: Multidisciplinary 22 year old looking for a fun and rich work experience
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2019, 05:28:26 PM »
I have a skill set that any application here cannot compete with.

That's where you're wrong, buddy.

Salutations, esteemed staff of Minecraft Server SentinelCraft,

My name is Ruto. My friends call me Ruto, or Mir Mir, or That Drunk Idiot. I am a 26 year old casino worker with vast experience in handling other people's disgusting, drug-laden money. My specialty is in training the occasional crackhead that slips into our department, as no one else has the patience or even the will to do so. Said crackheads never end up staying, but I feel that should not be a reflection on my abilities. Rather, it should show as a testament to how vital I can be to this Minecraft server.

I started off my college career in the Veterinary Science field. However, after a year of styding, they kicked me out, claiming I was too stupid to understand their "complex and intricate" program. I disagree. I feel it was far too simply designed for a genius such as me, and as such, I just didn't put forth any effort. Their loss.

I then wandered the streets of West Texas, busking on street corners for food and the occasional salutations by curious onlookers. My life was changed forever when a gruff, elderly hobo gave me a one dollar bill. Fascinated, I traced the dollar bill to the source of its origin. This inevitably led me to my current position of casino cash juggler, and though I have attempted embezzlement on no less than three separate occasions, the law just couldn't take me. I have maintained this position for three years and counting, but I feel now is the time to broaden my Horizons (get it? It's a pun on the solo world in SC ;)) and expand my work experience.

What position am I applying for? That's up for you to decide. I feel my unique skill set will sufficiently cover any position that could possibly be offered to me, so as the rich people in those boujee restaurants say, "chef's choice, please."

Thank you all for your time, and I look forward to your acceptance of my application! :)

Upper crust regards,
Ruto (aka Mir Mir) (aka That Drunk Idiot)
151 Hermit Hovel
Horizon, SC
IGN: MiryanaRuto
Eli made my avatar!


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Re: Multidisciplinary 22 year old looking for a fun and rich work experience
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2019, 05:33:32 PM »
Topic: Amazing Young Beautiful Woman looking for a fun and rich work experience

Dear Sir/Madam,

Unfortunately, I was unable to discover an email address where I could send my real CV to; I'll paraphrase a precious piece about my Minecraft resume so far. Thank you in advance for your time spent reading on this post.

I have started playing minecraft when I was around 4750 days old, and so far I have enjoyed every single day of it. I've been a full-time procrastinator on my projects from time to time, with help from my dear friend Elisthetic. I co-ruled Intrepidum in the past, helped Ducktopia out and today - in the present day - I am the mayor of Tranquila, ruling this amazing town with some of the best professionals I have ever met (emotionally, physically and minecraftally). I am currently on another server with a rank in the colour of red, I was wondering if you could grant me this here too. I would like a position that helps with finances, building for the server, head of the other admins (trust me) and maybe co-owner, since I have 273,931649 days of experience (9 months, like a child).

Currently, I am studying at a university in the Netherlands, living there as well. Because of this, I have a skill set that any application here cannot compete with. I dare you. I speak fluent English, Dutch and German and I can swear in French, Bulgarian and Greek. Very useful. I have loads of experience, really.

Present is what I am for any inquiries on behalf of any staff or precious players, please do not hesitate to contact me in-game or on discord, you know where to find me on the server discord!

I take pleasure in keeping things short and mysterious, as well as professional. However, I am here to mess around with my humour too, I am certain that Eli likes this.

Oh! I totally forgot to talk about myself, I have a strong set of values, yet, I am flexible (not physically). This helps me with my excellent communication skills which helps me control any situation I have ever encountered in order to solve problems. My weaknesses are not present every single day, luckily! I have a tendency to fall in love with boys who aren't likely to fall in love with me, luckily my strong communication skills help me control this situation and so I stalk them and take over their interests. Life hack.

This seems like a nice server from the five minutes I have been here, looking forward to a reply from you Sentinelians.

Kind regards,

Smile more, it suits you (:


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Re: Multidisciplinary 22 year old looking for a fun and rich work experience
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2019, 06:16:55 PM »
(Sorry to ruin the fun here guys)

Hi Artibor! Welcome to Sentinelcraft! Thank you for applying for the Special rank, but we have a required application format that you need to use for your application to be considered.

In addition, Special rank is a demanding rank to achieve. Players need to first define what their function will be. It isn't enough to simply say you will be a Special, you need to explain exactly what you will be doing and how it will help the server as a whole. You also need to demonstrate, through concrete evidence such as pictures, exactly why you think you can do this well enough to deserve a separate rank.

Finally, only experience on Sentinelcraft is considered for your application, because it is impossible to verify evidence from any other server. Thank you for understanding, let us know if you have any confusion.


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Re: Multidisciplinary 22 year old looking for a fun and rich work experience
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2019, 06:33:12 PM »
- What is your in-game name?
- Current Rank?
- How long have you been on the server?
I have been on the server since October 11,2013
- How long have you been a Moderator?
Almost two months, application was accepted December 13th.
- What is your mainly specialization that stands out and can be helpful?
I'm friendly to new players. Specifically that I offer a town to join and basic supplies to help get players starter.
- Is there any Staff member that suggested you to apply to admin?
- What experience do you have being a Moderator/Admin?
As moderator, I learned more in-depth commands that go with our plugins. I believe that, after a few tries of course, I caught on how to use these to their full potential quickly, and that I could learn Admin commands almost (depending on what) as quickly.
- If you have had previous experience, what servers did you Moderate?
I was moderator and admin on PandaCraft, a server which no longer exists.
- What plugins are you familiar with?
I've had experience with Towny, Essentials, LogBlock, WorldEdit, and LWC
- Are you currently staff on any other servers?
- Additional Information:
<a href="https://discord.gg/SpFtGavvQr">
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Re: Multidisciplinary 22 year old looking for a fun and rich work experience
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2019, 03:39:24 AM »
 Thanks for taking the time to read my appeal, I'm sorry for being immature. I just need to be back in my environment. :( :( :( :(

- In-game name: ninja5132

 - Date and time of ban? (Include Timezone): 11/21/2013 9:51 P.M. EST

 - Which Staff member banned you? (Blank if you do not know) I think Rich

 - Why were you banned? (What Appears on your ban message) Being immature and stupid, as well as swearing

 - Were you previously jailed or muted? (If yes, say why) Yes I was being an idiot and swearing, which I live in a very urban area and the way we talk is very different from your culture I really regret swearing and it will never happen again
 - Why should you be unbanned? Because I love this server and I miss it, It's the only the server I've ever played on and I cannot do without. The community is great and I miss it I was being really immature and I swear it will never happen again. It's the best server I ever play.

Additional Information: I'm SO SORRY take me back


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Re: Multidisciplinary 22 year old looking for a fun and rich work experience
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2019, 10:37:08 PM »
- What is your in-game name?
Artibor (Registered already by one of my town members)

- Current Rank?

- How long have you been on the server?
I am currently looking for a new server.

- What is your main specialization that stands out and can be helpful?
Although very helpful, I specialise in builds with the theme of natural. Except that, you can throw me any administrative or management task, I can ascertain that I have already done something very similar.

- Is there any Staff member that suggested you to apply to admin?
None, I have found this server, got trolled, picked it :D (other reasons are applying)

- What experience do you have been a Moderator/Admin?
As referred in my MUCH better short story, please read above. Just to make the list of staff positions that I have had before; Head-Admin, Admin, Finance Manager, Builder & Buildings communications manager

- If you have had previous experience, what servers did you Moderate?
I was moderator and admin on PandaCraft, a server which no longer exists.

- What plugins are you familiar with?
I've had experience with Towny, Essentials, WorldEdit, VS, MV, Pixelmon, Factions, Skyblock, land claiming plugins, other building and terraforming plugins.

- Are you currently staff on any other servers?

- Additional Information:
Email to send CV?

@HvPanda, I copy-pasted your form, also, I corrected spelling errors. Tyvm for the help :D.


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Re: Multidisciplinary 22 year old looking for a fun and rich work experience
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2019, 03:08:44 AM »
(Sorry to ruin the fun here guys)

Hi Artibor! Welcome to Sentinelcraft! Thank you for applying for the Special rank, but we have a required application format that you need to use for your application to be considered.

In addition, Special rank is a demanding rank to achieve. Players need to first define what their function will be. It isn't enough to simply say you will be a Special, you need to explain exactly what you will be doing and how it will help the server as a whole. You also need to demonstrate, through concrete evidence such as pictures, exactly why you think you can do this well enough to deserve a separate rank.

Finally, only experience on Sentinelcraft is considered for your application, because it is impossible to verify evidence from any other server. Thank you for understanding, let us know if you have any confusion.

The application you're using is for applying for admin, if you're trying to apply for special you need to use the link AMNOTBANANAAMA supplied. We can't consider your application if we don't know what you're applying for. Furthermore, we only seriously consider candidates that have already invested time into this server. It is very easy to fake a resume and pose as someone else, we can't trust someone who we just met. Application denied.