What is your in-game name?Joelle345
- Current Rank?Donator
- Where are you from?I live in the UAE
- What is your age?16
- How often do you vote?I vote everyday, I sometimes forget which rarely happens
- When did you join the server? 24/4/2020
- What time of the day are you on? (include timezone)(GMT+4) anytime between 2:00pm to 9pm. If I had free in the morning, I can come on.
On weekdays I can be on anytime between 11am to 9pm.
- Are you currently staff on any other servers?No I am not
- Why do you think should you be promoted and how will you be helpful?I have been playing on the server for a while now, and I would like to be able to contribute to the server's health in a more efficient way than I am currently able to. I believe I have a fair amount of knowledge of basic commands, the server rules, and some plugins (grief prevention, LWC, logblock). which i feel confident in helping with the commands of these plugins.
I am very friendly and love to help people when possible and needed, I have always tried my best to help players with commands, building, directing them to areas they needed, telling them what to do and what not to do, and I would like to help out more as a moderator. I want to assist staff with maintaining the server from rule breakers, specially when I play on the times when there is no staff on.
I understand and fully know all the server rules, and ready to take action and punish when they are broken, depending on how they are broken. I usually take actions by reporting to HvPanda or other staff members.
- Do you feel like you can be neutral and be loyal to the server rules above all else?yes I will always be neutral and loyal to the server rules.
- Additional Information:I have been suggested by a staff member to apply for Moderator , and here I am giving it a try ^^.
Thank you for taking time into considering my application.
Joelle. <3