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Author Topic: Ellemenopea's Departure  (Read 20908 times)


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2015, 05:57:18 PM »
I am really sorry to hear that your leaving, it must be hard to deal with whats going on In Game and In your home. At some point in the future would you reconsider if you will join again. I know if you join again it will be hard on you will everything that's gone on. But the choice is yours to make and i know you will make the right one for you.

 It has also been an Honor to help in Grizedale as a helper. It gave me something to strive for along time, it also helped me with the interaction with the other players.

I hope you all the rest. Oplegoman.   


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2015, 08:05:47 PM »
I'll answer the above accusations, as the players commenting are extremely new and have no knowledge of myself or the situation.

Grizedale was founded nearly 2 years ago by myself, 2 brothers, a sister in law, my husband and a few friends When you play with 3 people regularly, sometimes 8, all with joint access to chests, you don't pay attention to what's you've got. I certainly didn't, and I don't care what you think about that. Nearly 2 million dollars in 2 years is hardly an impressive amount to acquire between 8 peoples joint efforts.

My account was compromised by my Husband. I did not give my info to him, he's just a very astute individual and knows me well. If feel the need to blather about that, go ahead.

To the know it all who commented about disrespecting Fed, and indeed the ill-equipped person waffling about running away and proving innocence. Neither of you have any idea what has been happening over the last 2 weeks. You do not know how it was handled. You've no clue as to the amicable conversations between myself and Fed. All you have is your assumptions based on snippets. You're not involved in this, so everything is not going to be told to you.

I chose to do the right thing. I gave up my position as Staff, and moved on. You can both choose to believe what you will. Your beliefs aren't important to me. What I will say, is to go take a good hard look at yourselves. If your account was compromised to such a  degree, by your lifetime partner, would you be happy and completely comfortable to keep your presence hanging around the server? If you were given the opportunity to keep your staff rank after such a horrendous breach, would you? If the answer is yes, you have no shame, and no regard for server rules.

You can just say my name, I'm a big boy Elle. Have fun with Kouen, Nili, and ProjectTermina.
Also I'm not a know-it-all, thank you for insulting me babe. Grow up, and say it directly to me. Not vaguely like a child.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 08:24:28 PM by Sinafay_ »


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2015, 08:18:09 PM »
I don't understand.  Yes Elle, we will miss you.  But how did you husband get access to your account? and if you know, why didn't you inform other staff?  I really do hope you come back, but right now, Im not sure to be sad or mad.

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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2015, 09:37:27 PM »
Alright, Alright everyone. Lets take it down a few pegs.

Let me start with responding to Elle's original post:

I didnt paint you horribly, I posted what information we could show people via screenshots and limited logs. I also reiterated that this was a single blemish on an otherwise impeccable record. More over my post was simply to address the rumors that we hadnt drove you off and were not trying to take control of Grizdale. I hadn't posted what you had said because it didnt address the primary things I was trying to say. I figured it would be better received if you had posted the message yourself. Otherwise there would always be questions as to the authenticity anyways.

Everyone: While you are all entitled to your opinions, lets try to keep them respectful and to the point. Don't launch into attacks on people. This needn't get out of hand. Yes, transgressions were committed, by one side and the other. Remember, you have not seen every side of the situation, only what we can conceivably condense to a simple forum post.

Elle, what I think everyone is trying to say (for the most part) is that they dont agree with your choice to leave. Many people would have expected you to try and stay and make it up. I actually thought this myself. So I think it came as a surprise to everyone that you would decide to leave rather then explain to people what you did and what you are doing to fix it. Leaving just isnt an option for most people.

The conflicting stories most likely come from rumors started by peopel who didnt know the entire story. So I wouldnt put too much stock into anything you hear that you cant reconfirm here. (Since both parties involved are posting here)
-- Fedgar


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2015, 12:19:31 AM »
Guess its my turn, lmao. Elle, I've never liked you as much as I've heard about you. But I respected you. You leaving, that's on you. I pass no judgment. If you believe you have no place here, or at least if you feel as if your own internal conflicts are getting in the way, and decide to stay away from the server permanently. Good bye, good luck with your future endeavors.

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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #35 on: February 05, 2015, 03:43:37 AM »
You will never like to ALL members, with me personally, i started joking with you and i learnt you don't have my sense of humor, haha, this is more injustice than SAD,
may i say that the facts are real, damage have been taken, some are mad, but the most are willing you to keep on TRY, if we decide to vote your permanence,
i can ensure most voters will have you back in the server, that's all i can say, hope your life be good full of blessings and happyness, don't laugh at me, hahaha,
i tried hard to write something, i will miss you though...

COME BACK YOU!!! and bring Kouen with you :P
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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #36 on: February 05, 2015, 04:39:12 AM »
Now that Fed has responded again. I'll fully express my opinion.

I've been with the server since close to the beginning. Ive seen a lot of people come and go, and even I have been on a very long hiatus from not only the server, but the game itself as well. I imagine I've been gone for so long that my opinion doesn't matter anymore or isn't relevant. There have been few people on this server in my time here that have earned my respect. I can count them on one hand. Animal, Fedgar, Rich, Migas, and Elle. Elle was always one of the nicest people on the server (to me at least) and could handle a joke, all of my sarcastic remarks and sick jokes. I am honestly deeply saddened by her departure, and I would really hope she would reconsider.

There are things that happen in life that we deem unforgivable. It is a tremendous shame that Elle had her trust violated by someone so close to her. Whether she chooses to forgive or not is her choice. There is nothing in my eyes that cannot be forgiven, even in this sad circumstance.

Elle, if you are reading this, I hope you take this to heart. If you decide that stepping down is what is best for the server, and more importantly, best for you, then do it. I can guarantee that anyone who is on the server that has a heart will never think less of you. We have heard both sides of this story, and I think most of us would agree that what happened is not  your fault. Should you decide to continue to stay a senior staff member, all of us will support you. To me, you don't have to do anything to make up for what happened. I'm sure a lot of people would agree with me.

If you need someone to talk to about this or anything, you can always hit me up on Skype: joeycalpdc.

No matter what you decide, we will all support you.
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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2015, 03:34:38 PM »
I see now everything which happened is obvious.... Cards have been revealed...!
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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2015, 02:50:57 PM »
Faisal... this post was dead for 2 months, why did you revive it?
-- Fedgar


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #39 on: April 18, 2015, 03:19:46 PM »