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Author Topic: Guide to finding logs  (Read 6061 times)


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Guide to finding logs
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:15:18 PM »
This is gonna be a guide where you can learn how to find your logs. Sometimes admins may ask this to provide evidence. These logs are your personal ones and not from the server. So this could be helpfull.

1. Windows

Install winrar

*note, without winrar your logs will probably get corrupted after they save as a date, your latest will probably show up fine without winrar*

go to your local computer search and type in  :

You should see a map called Roaming

click on this and there should be a few more maps showing.
click on the .minecraft folder

Scroll down until you find the logs folder. And click on this.
The logs are ordened on date and it should be easy to find the ones you need.

need the recent logs? Click on latest logs and the logs from that day will pop up. Know those logs are also from other servers.

For Windows 8 (Guide by Roadkill919)

1. open up your start(also know as windows button) menu and search %appdata% [note- this is the same on windows 7 however looks quite different]

2. this will bring up the "roaming" section of your app data locate the folder called .Minecraft [note with some launchers the directory will be different you can see in the photo i also have the Technic launcher installed this is where the .Technic would replace the .Minecraft if i was to use that launcher to play.

3. you will then be presented with this. locate the folder called logs, this is where you will find your logs.

4. inside the logs folder you will find all your logs, the most recent will be accessible in a basic text editor such as notepad however the rest will have been archived and to access them you will need the program WinRar that Eagler pointed out.

2. Mac

Still need guys/girls who can complete with pictures from mac

(MacLeezy Edit) To find your logs on Mac OSX you need to navigate these folders below (They Are separated into their respective dates, with the most recent being called "latest.log"

3. Linux

Still need guys/girls who can complete with pictures from linux

Admins please help to provide pics mine pics suck for a reason

« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 06:04:41 AM by MacLeezy »


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Re: Guide to finding logs
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 09:27:19 PM »
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Re: Guide to finding logs
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2015, 03:17:02 AM »
[Merged with Original Post]

« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 06:03:45 AM by MacLeezy »


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Re: Guide to finding logs
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2015, 04:48:58 AM »
I usually open up the search thing as in step one for Roadkill919 then type in "run" and click on run after that pops up I type in %appdata% and the rest is as eagler states.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 04:50:36 AM by abehaw »
if u are looking for me I'm probably fishing at vainilla_love or killing pigmens. to complete ur goals-----> keep on trying!!!!!!!

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Re: Guide to finding logs
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2018, 05:18:10 PM »
First of all, Just in case, The "logs" folder is not necessarily in that address. Yeah it's the default but some launchers can change it.

Now the Linux Guide :

First Note : There are a lot of Desktop Environments and File Managers for each Distribution of Linux, So there really isn't a one way of finding logs, But the most common way between all dists is to use Terminal so I first do it with terminal commands and then I'll try to show how you do it using XFCE4 desktop and Thunar File manager.

Linux Guide (using Terminal) :
1. cd to your logs directory ($HOME/.minecraft by default). Note that you may change your minecraft directory path through your launcher (If your launcher supports this action)
Code: [Select]
cd ~/.minecraft/logs
2. Just like windows, Most recent logs are available in clear text format, So you can just view them on terminal using :
Code: [Select]
cat latest.log
3. If you happen to need to extract one of older logs, Use
Code: [Select]
gunzip --keep <filename> to extract them. i.e.
Code: [Select]
gunzip --keep 2018-09-17-4.log.gzNote that if you miss the --keep option, Your archive file (.gz) will be deleted.
Then you can display the contents like before, Except this time filename is the same as your archive without the ".gz" in the end, i.e.
Code: [Select]
cat 2018-09-17-4.log
Linux Guide (using XFCE4 Desktop + Thunar File Manager) :
1. Open Thunar and navigate to your home :

2. Press Ctrl + H (or from menus : View => Show Hidden Files) and make sure your hidden files (those starting with dot) are shown :

3. Go to ".minecraft" folder, Then to "logs" folder :

4. Here you can open the latest.log file to view latest logs, Or extract any of those archives using Engrampa or any other archive manager you have on your os (.gz requires gunzip to be installed) then open the log file.