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Author Topic: Towny Economy Changes  (Read 1541 times)


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Towny Economy Changes
« on: February 21, 2021, 08:26:41 PM »
Towny Economy Changes

Hello everyone! Following up on the "Suggestion Thread: Economy" post from less than a week ago, we'd like to present towny economy changes.
The staff team has been looking at making town and nation upkeep more dynamic than the current system.
The aim of this change is to ensure the economy for towns are fair.

We're ensuring that smaller towns are not penalised with this economic change. Larger towns will be paying more upkeep due to larger 'administrative costs'.
Furthermore, tax for nations will be increased, as the current setup of $100 a day is too low.

What would this look like for towns?

For towns, upkeep will be determined by both residents and the number of plots claimed. 
The following table should make it easy to understand what we mean by this. The numbers match up with town sizes like Large City & Metropolis.

Number of residents          Multiplier         Upkeep per plot     
10       1.0$2.00                   
14       1.2$2.40                   
20       1.4$2.80                   
24       1.6$3.20                   
28       1.8$3.60                   
36       2.0$4.00                   
42       2.2$4.40                   

An example for existing towns

Taking the town Code as an example, it would change the upkeep from $2 728 to $5 456, as they have 38 town residents.
Another example would be Tranquila, their upkeep would go from $1 370 to $1 918 with 20 residents.
Gotham upkeep would go from $1 850 to $2 960, as they have 25 residents. This is all based on the multiplier.
As you can see, smaller towns aren't impacted by this measure.

What would this look like for nations?

The current setup of $100 is being changed based on the number of residents in the whole nation. The starting upkeep for nations will be raised to $1 000 as well.

Number of residents          Multiplier         Upkeep for the nation     
10       1.0$1000                   
20       1.3$1300                   
30       1.6$1600                   
40       1.9$1900                   
50       2.1$2100                   
60       2.4$2400                   
70       2.7$2700                   
80       3.0$3000                   
90       3.3$3300                   
100       3.6$3600                   
110       4.0$4000                   
120       4.4$4400                   
130       4.8$4800                   
140       5.2$5200                   
150       5.6$5600                   

An example for existing nations

Taking the nation Imperium as an example, it would change the upkeep to $4 000 with 119 residents. Shadow, having 65 residents, would go up to $2 400.

This will mean that nation costs vary depending on the number of people within, perhaps encouraging smaller nations to be established.

These changes are the start of the future of Sentinel!
We're listening to your suggestions and excited to bring SentinelCraft to the next stage by implementing these first changes (:

Smile more, it suits you (: