- What is your in-game name? FranciasPvp
- Current Rank? Donator
- How long have you been on the server? I have been on the server since May 31st 2019, though I have long months of inactivity because of my potat pc.
- Which special rank do you want to apply for? Builder Rank!
- Why do you think you deserve that special rank? I am pretty confident in my building skills, having almost all the time I have online spent building, I enjoy building for others and seeing their reactions, its very fulfilling ^^. I have the drive to also learn more than what I already know and is open to criticism, I've already changed a lot since my first build on the server and I'm excited to learn more. Even if it's small I have been very lucky to get some first hand experience of working on server projects like small areas and filling in spaces. That being said I also want to have the rank to be able to do more than what I can do now. If I can get special, it will allow me to have an easier time with building, having more time for other projects for other people and even if I'm not that great with making ideas, special rank would allow me to voice my opinion more.
- Did any staff member suggest that you apply? None, though I get positive reactions they don't bring much to the table.
- Additional Information: https://imgur.com/a/OGGLA8Q - Build Portfolio! Fun Fact, I am hiding in two of these pictures as our seggsy admin bugsy (I forgot to change skins and im too lazy) The first person to find one Bugsy gets 5k, you can only claim one since it would be unfair. Special thanks to BlokeHead for taking the pictures he carried the portfolio <33