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Author Topic: Horizon troubles  (Read 1854 times)

The Carrot

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Horizon troubles
« on: September 02, 2021, 07:32:20 PM »
We can't have a break can we?

It is basically tradition by now that we make a monthly post of something breaking on us without us expecting it, that's just how servers that run this long work. Sometimes it's great and being nice to us, and other times it acts out like a child craving for attention.

Today after the restart at noon GMT DST, the server started not recognizing the chunks it was loading, it was either reverting them back to nature or loading them from scratch, we weren't gonna stick around long enough to find out as what we could tell is: The more people played, the more chunks we lost. We shut down the server as it ran for 30 minutes, enough for some to lose their entire bases that they loaded and have looked at the issue about half a day later when we were available.

It seems the issue has been caused by Paper, for some that remember a year ago, a similar issue with paper also corrupted chunks this way. Although our paper build has been running fine for a month, it seems that it was bound to break at some point if not updated dilligently. Horizon being the larger world and running since 1.12 does not help its cause either. As it so happens the last back up we have of the world is from pre-1.17 update, that means we were put up with 2 choices for now: Revert 3 weeks back or leave things as is and resolve the matter with 4-6 people who were hurt by this issue. We felt it was appropriate to choose the latter as it will involve the least damages to overall playerbase.

What measures we have taken so far?

- Server backups will be made regularily at the expense of longer restarts (5 to 10 minutes), on the upside restarts will now be once every 12 hours.
- Updated paper to the latest build from https://papermc.io/downloads.
- We will make sure to compensate the people who have been damaged.

We apologize for the trouble that this has caused and the significant downtime, 1.17 being so fresh, plugins are bound to break and crumble as that is how issues are found and fixed. We will keep trying our best and push forward for an enjoyable player experience.

If you were affected by the issue then please contact an SA+.

-- Senior Staff
« Last Edit: September 02, 2021, 08:03:11 PM by The Carrot »