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Author Topic: Call for Submissions!  (Read 1556 times)


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Call for Submissions!
« on: February 24, 2022, 12:26:27 AM »

Sentinel's Event Planning Committee
requests all artists to step forward with small sculptures and map art to be potentially displayed for public viewing at an upcoming event.

A competition is now being planned to determine who is the best artist!
When submissions are shown, voting will open for players to vote on which art piece for each category is best.
Each participant will receive $1,000 in-game for participating (per player, not per submission), so make sure to send us submissions!
First place prize will include: 4 Legendary Keys, $50,000 in-game money, and a nice goodie box.
Second place prize will include: 1 Legendary Key, $30,000 in-game money, and a slightly worse goodie box.
Third place prize will include: $25,000 in-game money, and a normal goodie box.

The specifications for art submissions are as follows:

Map Art
- Must be rated appropriate for all audiences (PG)
- Size must not be greater than 50 blocks tall in the world, the flatter the art the better
- Must be in accordance with all server rules
- May not contain any advertisements

Small Sculptures
- Must be rated appropriate for all audiences
- Must fit in a 10 x 10 x 10 cube
- Must be in accordance with all server rules
- May not contain any advertisements

Please refrain from "joke" submissions

Examples of Sculptures:

These are just examples of art submitted this far, we are hoping for a wide variety of submissions,
feel free to reach out to us with questions.

To submit your piece, please privately message bugsy12 or MHGUforPresident with the following information:
- A picture of the art
- Coordinates of where it can be located and in which server it is located (preferably flat wherever possible)
- What date the piece was created
- Your IGN
- The title of the piece

Due date for submissions is April 30, 2022

Thank you everyone! We are excited to see what you have to offer!
« Last Edit: March 31, 2022, 05:32:11 PM by MHGUforPresident »
Wife to many wives but bugsy more than others