I gathered the worse lies told on the forums/skype chat. Don't take this as offensive, it's just for fun =[.
ninja5132, February 9:
- "Ninja is too pretty."
Ellemenopea, February 15:
- "Congrats Ninja! Looking forward to /a having a sane mind in it!"
richgotya, March 23rd:
- "sounds like you people are ****ing lazy"
Kamikoize, March 23rd:
- "Migas smells like cheese!"
Alness, March 29th:
- "Apparently migas is a ghost now..."
Fedgar, April 1st:
- "Im pretty. I am a guy"
Alness, April 1st:
Migas, April 1st:
- "Nick (ace123445), you're very pretty"
- "Nick is veeeeeeeeery pretty"
- "and if Nick is prettttty, Patrick (Creepy_Crawlers) is too!!!!"
Ninja, April 2nd:
- "Migas so messy!"
TimeKeeper, April 2nd:
- "im not a nerd"
Forgot all this time to note the lies...
Ninja, May 3rd:
- "Migas = ugly lamer"
xXCRYMINALXx, May 5th:
- "No! Don't! Migas hates all things yummy!"
BabyLizzard, May 5th:
- "migas is the enemy of flavor"
Ninja, May 5th:
- "I'm married to my computer"
Metheorita, May 5th:
- "i'm not spammy D:"
TimeKeeper, May 5th:
(attlee asked: "time are u a doc or something ?")
- lol nope, just a smart ass
Ninja, May 5th:
- "Migas already calls me ugly, why would I pay him to call me fat?"
Ninja, May 6th:
(Talking about the prize for the most annoying player for SentinelCraft Awards)
- "[Ugly] title for a month"
- "[Migas] would also work as a synonym"
Migas, May 6th:
- "Muse why changing skin if you look sexy with the current outfit"
7thMuse, May 6th:
- "hehe say dumb masses really fast, sounds like dumbasses"
romaze6, May 6th:
- "Migas I still love u no matter how many times u say im ugly"
xXCRYMINALXx, May 6th:
- "Migas acts like a lettuce. He's always leafing me."
Will add more... !!!