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Author Topic: Introducing: Origin  (Read 3110 times)


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Introducing: Origin
« on: May 31, 2022, 12:27:52 PM »
Sentinel has found new lands!

Sentinel will soon have a new server to explore. This server will have many changes and many of which could take you by surprise if you have not played vanilla Minecraft for a long time.

Release: 4pm 6pm GMT - Friday 3rd of June!


Mankind is too eager to profit at the expense of others. The Ancient Sentinels saw it and it cost them their beloved lands of Pern. Ever since the rise of the Sentinels from the rubble of the old world, they seemed to guide survivors to a new life and show them that they must change their way of life; from one which was pillaging and depleting resources of their natural world.

The chosen few True Sentinels brought order to the new world, with many advancements from the discovery of new metals to understanding and breaking through the first bedrock layer. The True Sentinels have worked tirelessly over the last 3 centuries not being truly satisfied with their advancements and always moving on to the next research project.

With all the improvements they have made to the world for all who joined, a part of them longed for the simplicity which was afforded to them during the era of Pern. They always had a project which was always on the back foot, a project to take themselves back to a simpler time. Their search started long before the Era of Pern and has lasted many millennia; that search has come to an end. Sentinels found a new land on the very limits of the travel-able Sentinelverse and seem to be much older than any worlds the Sentinels have set foot on before.

Given the world is so far away, it is just within the protective field irradiated from the floating Fedgardia, the magic at these distances will be so weak that common magic harnessed by Sentinels daily will not be usable. The total lack of magic among the community will likely prompt a different way of living and one likely not for the faint-hearted.

The Sentinels have embarked on a ship to reach this new world, which they have named Origin, taking sentinels back to the days before magic and technological advancement.

Key Information

1: The server will have only the basic plugins required for it to work within the Sentinel network for chat, player management, and logging.
2: This world will be open to all Senior Members and above and there will be an application process for members who wish to join this world.
3: Frequently used commands will not be accessible, this includes but is not limited to:
    - ./home
    - ./teleport
    - ./fly
    - ./chest
    - ./warp
    - ./craft and all other variations from furnace to stonecutter
    -  Any custom commands, including /naughty or /nice
    -  No disguises.
4: Any quality-of-life plugins such as GriefPrevention, LWC, McMMO, Elevators, and Auction will not be installed.
5: This is a community world, any hoarding of items for the sake of it, will potentially have their items confiscated. This would apply to elytra's in the first instance, this will be monitored periodically.
6: This world will not have a currency through any plugin, so /balance will not be a thing.
7: There is no PvP protection, but Sentinel rules along with the PvP rules will still apply.
8: Sole-generated structures such as the stronghold and the main end island are not claimable as a base or have other players passage impeded.
    Any large change without prior consultation with the community will likely lead to a rollback and sanctions.
    - Once players are established, server-wide improvement projects on areas of importance can start to take place.
9: Dynmap will not be implemented.
10: World Border will be initially set at 5,000 blocks, any increase to this will be small.
11: On the technical end of the server, this will be kept as closely in line with vanilla as possible.
12: As this is a new game mode for sentinel, report any issues or bugs at the earliest opportunity.

Our Reasons

Minecraft version 1.18 brought some of the largest changes to Minecraft from a technical standpoint. Having world build height increase in both directions and a whole new world generation led to larger world files which meant larger changes on the back end of Sentinel. When we updated to 1.18, you may have noticed that the Pern world was no longer reachable, this was due to many factors but mainly that the world could not undergo a 1.17 to 1.18 upgrade as this meant the world going from 90GB to the region of 150GB. To put that into perspective, that would be the same size as both Horizon and Kattalox put together!
We have upcoming plans on how we are going to commemorate Pern and give it a long-lasting place within the community, even if we cannot explore it in-game anymore. We shall expand on this in an upcoming forum post, dedicated to Pern and our work. Given that Pern will not be returning, and we have a mostly configured server that we have not been using, we have decided to repurpose this world for a new game mode. This will be in stark contrast to Plugin Survival (claims, money, teleports, etc), Towny, and Skyblock. We hope this different style is something that can entice people back to the server.

- Sentinel Staff
« Last Edit: June 06, 2022, 08:52:08 PM by Migas »


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Re: Introducing: Origin
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2022, 01:19:47 PM »
Well well, it would be fun to go back to the era of Pern and before..
« Last Edit: May 31, 2022, 01:22:43 PM by coolheartedepic »


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Re: Introducing: Origin
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2022, 02:32:10 PM »
good luck for seniormembers i might never become one of them :(


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Re: Introducing: Origin
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2022, 04:40:01 PM »
The journalist admin guy #AlmightySmallVillage


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Re: Introducing: Origin
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2022, 06:33:39 PM »
I'm beyond excited to see this concept coming to SentinelCraft. A little part of me is hoping that this will bring the community together even closer - with both old and new players.

Hopefully, we can create a beautiful world together with the community, creating highways and connections to people's houses while adding to the area more and more.. (:
Keeping the landscape tidy by cleaning up the mess created by creepers, building a cool spawn that we keep improving as we get better resources, sharing said resources and going on mining trips together because McMMo will not be there to rescue us anymore.. aaah!  <3
Don't get me started on creating an interconnected nether and cool player shops based on trust and resources, I am looking forward to this so so much!!

I hope everyone else is too. Excited to see what the Origin will bring to SentinelCraft!  :love:

Unfortunately, I will be busy with too many deadlines these coming 3/4 weeks to play...and set up my house somewhere. Really tragic ): BUT! After that, I will definitely be more present on the server to explore the first beginnings of Origin. I'd love to get a tour after this time to see what was made so far already, and finding a place to set up my own little house <3
Smile more, it suits you (:

The Carrot

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Re: Introducing: Origin
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2022, 07:52:53 PM »
Looking forward to this new world. I remember pern being a much simpler time when not everyone had things figured out with mcmmo and stuff! It's great to be able to start fresh and  just be a minecraft noob again without the actual boosted perks! This will be a very fun experience and I hope lots of people come back to the game to enjoy it :D


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Re: Introducing: Origin
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2022, 08:27:59 PM »

Unfortunately, I will be busy with too many deadlines these coming 3/4 weeks to play...and set up my house somewhere. Really tragic ): BUT! After that, I will definitely be more present on the server to explore the first beginnings of Origin. I'd love to get a tour after this time to see what was made so far already, and finding a place to set up my own little house <3

Hopefully we will have a video of the release!
Dedication is a key factor to reach your goals.