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Author Topic: The First Origin Election!  (Read 2301 times)


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The First Origin Election!
« on: June 13, 2022, 06:07:36 PM »
Origin Committee Application

The time has come to elect new members in the Origin Committee. With this being the first election, all 5 seats are currently vacant. In order to run for a position on the Origin Committee, you need to meet the following requirements:

   - Must be proactive in applying for yourself; no nominations for the Committee will be accepted.
   - Must have no recent punishments/issues
   - Must be in good standing with the community
   - Must maintain communication with both other Origin Committee Members and when required the Presiding Council.
   - Only one member from each Settlement can run for election. A settlement is defined by any area/group of players consisting of 3 or more.

Applications will be open for 48 hours. Following that period, everyone will have the opportunity to vote for their top 3 choices. The top 5 players with the most votes will be appointed to the Origin Committee.

Expectations for members of the Origin Committee can be found in the Origin Charter which can be seen here.

If you wish to apply for a spot on the Origin Committee, please use the following format and reply below. If you fail to use this format, your application will not be considered.


Settlement (if applicable):

Why should you be elected as a member of the Origin Committee?

What is one change you'd like to see enacted as part of the Origin Committee?

Additional Information:

(Thanks Ev for writing the post!)


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Re: The First Origin Election!
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2022, 07:15:29 PM »


Settlement (if applicable):

No real settlement yet, just a small house

Why should you be elected as a member of the Origin Committee?

As a long term player I want to make Origin enjoyable for everyone and will try my best to do this.
However I know that it will take a lot of effort on my part to stay active after a while.

What is one change you'd like to see enacted as part of the Origin Committee?

More smaller settlements that have trade routes (roads)
A nether hub (Dig out a big area with nice roads, and mob free zones, add ice roads or other means of fast transportation
Bigger projects like natural mob farms (Gold, Iron, ...)
Shop districts (Each settlement can have it or centralized somewhere)
Giant castle and townhall at spawn

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Re: The First Origin Election!
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2022, 07:40:58 PM »
Name: Aloysius Q. Moodo (username: quazymoodo)

Settlement (if applicable): Moog Mountain & Citizen-House Steve of the Overworld

Why should you be elected as a member of the Origin Committee?

As a proud member of the Origin society, I believe I have done my part in leading community efforts toward commercial and culturally valuable public works. In the time we've had, I've helped to construct the grand base atop Moog Mountain, as well as founding the Aloysius Q. Moodo Grand Omnibus Railway Co. I've also shown I can be helpful to other settlements within the community and I have a keen eye for political science & governance. Also, if you elect me, I would be the first LGBTQIA+ member of the committee, being a voice to the voiceless! Remember folks, Happy #Pride Month!

What is one change you'd like to see enacted as part of the Origin Committee?

If elected, it is my hope and goal to organize and establish a spawn shopping district, committee house, and memorial egg square so that we may get to the bottom of this egg caper and finally establish a fair & honest foundation for all of Origin.

Additional Information:

If elected, I hope to continue the Grand Railway project, build a justice system-by-arena pit (potentially titled the BLOKE OS Pit), listen to and hear the questions and concerns of my constituents, official constitute a ban on Baked_Tater, and establish a player bill of rights to protect the freedoms of our Origin citizens, and much, much, more! I also respectfully ask you not to pay attention to the special interests I may or may not be involved with. VOTE ALOYSIUS Q MOODO 2022! A future-forward leader for both me and you!
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Re: The First Origin Election!
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2022, 09:02:59 PM »
Couldn't figure out how to delete my reply so I'ma just delete the message
« Last Edit: June 15, 2022, 05:39:52 AM by B0okWorm »


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Re: The First Origin Election!
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2022, 01:15:40 AM »
Name: ThyCoolio

Settlement (if applicable): Alone right now but the land is Albion

Why should you be elected as a member of the Origin Committee?

My goal in the committee would be to create a sense of community across Origin. In my days on Pern, that?s what I always loved about being part of the server. I really want to focus on organizing community events like PvP tournaments, note block competitions and many other ideas that are to come. I want to ensure that everyone from the first people to join Origin to the most recent member has their voices heard equally and fairly. I?ve always admired community of the server and want to maintain that. I believe the majority of us agree on creating a shopping district but I?d also like to bring in a mini games district, kind of like an amusement park. I think it would be very beneficial to have an area where players can get together and take a break from the daily?s of working on projects and just hang out together. Much of what I admired from Pern days was the amount of community events like Pvp Tournaments and boat races. They really brought everyone together, even members that never met and I?d really like to bring in these events.

What is one change you'd like to see enacted as part of the Origin Committee?

I?d like to ensure the committee has no say over the specifics of how the leaders of each settlement run their towns. Personally I don?t feel the committee should have say over how someone decides to run their settlement. The only thing I say the committee should put in would be protections incase a member wants to leave a specific settlement and the leader of that settlement can?t put a KOS order of some kind in order to keep the game fun.

Additional Information:

Love you guys. I?m also lgbtqia+ lol


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Re: The First Origin Election!
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2022, 06:58:37 AM »
Name: Arianity

Settlement (if applicable): Civilization

Why should you be elected as a member of the Origin Committee?

As the founder and leader of the biggest town in Origin, I believe that it is important that my voice can be heard and acted on as a Committee member. Throughout my time on the world, I've housed and aided a majority of the playerbase, created alliances and friendships with other settlements within the world, orchestrated the creation of farms and mob grinders public to all, and impacted the world in a way that I feel could be multiplied if given the opportunity of Committee. I am incredibly productive on the projects I have been making in Origin, and as of late have also created guidelines for my town to keep peace and organization. I am helpful, and I am always willing to listen to the needs of other players and do what I can to create a change that may positively impact every player around me. Ultimately I am sure that you will not regret voting for me, and I'm so very happy to serve our community!

What is one change you'd like to see enacted as part of the Origin Committee?

Firstly I would want to organize an area wherein players of Origin may voice their complaints, suggestions, or ideas to make the world a better place. Although any member may be on committee, the element of the community will never change, as their wants and needs will always be the most important.
Other than this important aspect, my other projects may be focused on a trading center at spawn for all players, roads both in the overworld and nether connecting to all settlements and areas of access, discussion on how PVP will be tackled, public farms, builds and commodities built nearby or around spawn for the convenience of all players, and hopefully more to come with the insight and cooperation of our community.

Additional Information:

Thank you for taking the time to read my application :S. As mentioned earlier, I'm incredibly ambitious and have lots of plans and ideas. I am very close to my towns people, and I feel that the fact that I am able to listen to the complaints directly from the source will enable me to act on them in a way that benefits everyone in a way that other players may not be able to. I promise that you will not regret voting for me, and so I would like to thank everyone who has supported me and encouraged me to come so far. I love and value every one of you. Thank you for reading my application  <3


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Re: The First Origin Election!
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2022, 02:33:24 PM »
Name: Francias

Settlement (if applicable): I don't live on a settlement and live alone, no plans on the future on living in one either

Why should you be elected as a member of the Origin Committee? As a regular player in origin, I've done my fair share of helping around with the other server mates, helping them in little ways that I can. If I am elected as a member of the committee, not only will I continue what I have been doing so far, but will be able to do so much more than small errands and odd jobs. Taking on bigger tasks that not only affect me but the whole community is something that I plan on doing. I have my own set of skills that can prove to be useful in projects planned by other committee members and my own plans as well.

What is one change you'd like to see enacted as part of the Origin Committee? I plan to lay the foundation work for future committee members to work on, how to help newer players in origin when the world has already progressed so far ahead. Having prominent road networks in both the overworld and end, or as simple as having a map and signs to show locations of public farms they can use. The spawn areas of each dimension be a space where everyone can chip in if to promote player interaction. Have the spawn in overworld be an event area, the nether obviously a portal hub, and the end be a place for farms, just examples on the possibilities. 

Additional Information:
I am BIG on people coming together to work on something, Horizon is usually people tending to their own bases and I want origin to be something different and maybe other people agree with this. Personally why I didn't join a group was to not restrict myself, I wanna be a helper of not just one community but to more.


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Re: The First Origin Election!
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2022, 09:33:08 PM »
Due to issues caused earlier today, the deadline to accept applications for this matter has been extended 24h. So you can apply until June 16, 6pm GMT!
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Re: The First Origin Election!
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2022, 04:08:38 PM »
Nominations now closed, with only 5 candidates, the voting for the Origin Committee has been skipped. All candidates have now been elected to the Origin Committee for a term of two months/when the next election happens.