SentinelCraft Photography Showdown!
Alright everyone, here is the deal, Since we have two talented people applying for the server photographer position, I plan on making a contest out of it.
Below I will post 5 pictures that each of them took, But the key is, I will not reveal who took which photo. Niether contestant will reveal who took which photo either, that way popularity will not influence the votes.
The rules as stated in the previous posts are as follows!Rules:All photos must be taken by you. I will check.
All photos must be taken on SentinelCraft.
You must use atleast 2 different resource packs
You must use shaders in atleast one photo
You must have atleast one night time, and one day time photo.
You may not submit photos you have previously posted.
Because there are five photo's for each competing player. It may take a second to load up. Be patient. These are High Res images.
Without further ado...
Contestant One!Contestant Number Two!