Here you shall find a list of helpful Chat Commands for everyday use within Sentinel Craft.
Typing out most commands and pressing the Enter Key will keep you bound to that channel.
- /g - Global Chat. Everyone on the server will hear you. You are automatically put in this channel when logging on to the server.
- /tc - Town Chat. A channel dedicated solely to your town. Only people in your town can hear you.
- /nc - Nation Chat. A channel dedicated solely to your Nation. Only people in your Nation can hear you.
- /l - Local Chat. Talk to everyone within a short radius of your position.
- /sm - Senior Member. An exclusive chat channel to talk to all fellow Senior Members.
- /msg <player name> - Sends a private message to a player.
- /r - responds to a private message.
- /pc - Party Chat. Speak only to people in your pre-made party.
- /mail send <player> <message> - sends in-game mail to a user that they can read. Useful if you need to contact someone who is offline.
- /helpop - Admin Help. Sends a message to all admins/moderators online to help with a problem or a bug you've noticed.