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Author Topic: EnkiGilbert Ban Appeal  (Read 2325 times)


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EnkiGilbert Ban Appeal
« on: November 01, 2014, 05:23:54 AM »
- In-game name:

- Date and time of ban? (Include Timezone):
Friday October 31 approx 3pm Pacific Time

- Which Staff member banned you? (Blank if you do not know)

- Why were you banned? (What Appears on your ban message)
For justly standing up to an admin after they did something inexcusable, for not only me but the community aswell, as we were all affected by the same wrongful action. We were all victims of a double standard, as for if any of us were to have done the same thing, we'd have been instantly banned, going by the standards set so far, so richgotya should be banned for a while instead and/or potentially removed from the admin team.
I was banned in particular for asking for a mere $2000 game cash as compensation after I, along with at least 9 other players, were forcefully teleported into a small room by (most likely) richgotya, and we were all then killed via PVP by him (and maybe accidentally others - the area was so small we couldn't see names) within 10 seconds. For no reason at all.
The specific ban message was something like "Here's your compensation you ungrateful <something or rather>"

- Were you previously jailed or muted? (If yes, say why)

- Why should you be unbanned?
Because I have done nothing wrong, we and the others who spoke, had every right to call foul for the admin enacting a double standard, and if the admin in question cannot accept due criticism then they are not suitable to be an admin.
I like this server as it is better than countless others, and I have remained an active community member of it since I joined, including voting for it to help raise awareness, aswell as helping new people a bit here and there.

Additional Information: Regarding the specific ban message, ungrateful for what? I was not given anything, nor has this person really contributed anything to my server experience on the whole, NOR were we even given so much as a bad reason why we were teleported to be killed - No prior warning to the killing, nor apology was given. Also note that richgotya doesn't do anything special, just comes down off his perch to ban people to make himself feel better. There is a general foul attitude culture I have noticed on this server over my 3 weeks here, and the reason the player numbers stay down is cause people keep getting banned for any spec of dirt excuse that can be found.
Fedgar_Lurch, I am sorry if my ban appeal reads with anger but I cannot help but be quite fiery to continue to see a great server being let down by a certain individual(s). Please understand.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 05:41:27 AM by Eggs50 »


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Re: EnkiGilbert Ban Appeal
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2014, 05:46:00 AM »
i know im not suppose to post without having some useful information to the ban appeal, but i feel the need to point out that rich is co owner along with migas anf fed, and some would say has more power then fed due to his being more active.
also, i was teleported there, and speaking to him at the same moment, he accidentally teleported, and did not kill us. i suspect ender dragons did, since we were fighting them at that moment, but he claims it to be another player, who's name i forget. i myself was not killed by a player, but i did make it out of the room without dieing. so i dont really know which.


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Re: EnkiGilbert Ban Appeal
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2014, 07:13:13 AM »
Not even gonna bother reading this.... You, who instead of being respectful and waiting... Demanded attention and for that I  banned you. For an oh so long 30 seconds.

Yes ungrateful prick. I did a small roll back on people who died. As well as manually restoring every thing. All while I was receiving countless messages from you whining and complains as the process was going threw. You have no right to demand any thing from me. Ask, respectfully. Demanding gets you no where.


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Re: EnkiGilbert Ban Appeal
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2014, 09:42:44 PM »
This shows exactly  how much you know about this server, and how assuming you are.

Richgotya actually is responsible for the vast majority of coding that goes on behind the scenes here. All those plugins? Yeah, those are buggy, he fixes them so you can have your Minecraft Experience. When the host messes up, and the server goes down? Yeah, that's Rich helping out your Server Experience. Grow up.

I don't care what went on. you've no right to hop on the forums and demand a Co-Creater of the server get demoted.

You were very vague about the actual occurrence leading up to your ban. You might want to state that clearly, instead of going off on a hate filled assuming tangent.


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Re: EnkiGilbert Ban Appeal
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2014, 07:56:38 AM »
You really thought it purposeful to post a ban appeal? what did you hope to accomplish?

Yes shar, If you dont have anything purposeful to add then one should steer clear of posting on others ban appeals... Justified or not.

iViva o Triunvirato!
-- Fedgar