./n new (name) for a new nation, costs 25k.
./n add (town name) invites towns.
./n rank add assistant (name) makes someone a nation assistant.
./n remove (town name) kicks.
./n rank remove assistant (name) removes from being an assistant.
Sorry for the OCD moment there, muehehehe. :3
./nc is nation chat.
./n set title (name) (title) sets a title, and I think its ten digits max. Ex. Emperor c0d3br3a3kr
./n set surname (name) (surname) sets a surname, I think ten digits as well. Ex. c0d3br3ak3r of Deity
./n deposit (amount) is to deposit, upkeep is 100 a day. Set amount, never changes.
./n withdraw (amount) withdraws money.
./n ally add (nation name) sets them as ally on your part, doesn't do it on theirs. (Add Amagar as ally. :3)
./n enemy add (nation name) is dumb and shouldn't ever be used.
./n neutral add (nation name) sets the nation as neutral.
Probably a few more I didn't get, but thats most of em.