What is your in-game name? AbbyGymnastics
Have you been active for at least 1 month? Yes
Have you been helpful to other people on the server? If yes, who and how? Yes I have. I helped jashaungrewal clear out a very big mountain, I have gotten RainbowSparkles many supplies when she was building her house, I helped InsaneBoredom build his pet shop, and i helped WashedUpGamer83 build his house. ( I have helped many more people I just can't remember their IGN) I just started doing trivia questions last night with DanielyMery for $50 dollars for each question answered correctly. One time when ninja answered correctly to the question "What is the capital of New York" I gave her 5 ender pearls, 12 redstone, and 10 quartz. Of course I'm going to try to earn more money with vote so I can start to hand out more money for each question. I do my best to answer peoples questions in chat and i always welcome new people on to the server. If someone asks for help, I say "I will" and I do my best to help them.
Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?I have been banned once when my brother was on my account exploring even though i was sitting next to hime the whole time.
Do you vote regularly?I do my best to vote. I usually end up voting 2-3 times a week. One of the voting things on the website has crashed and I can't use it anymore
I will do my best to start voting very often.
Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?I always keep in touch with the forums and I am on the website everyday.
Additional Information: I know i have a good or bad chance of becoming an SM, but i really appreciate you reviewing my application. Thank you for your time and i will see you in game.