- What is your in-game name?
- Have you been active for at least 1 month? Yes I have
- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how? Yes, I have helped crank, stiv, xXDarkXLordxx and others. I created a farm I allow them to use at their own will only if they replant, I have made cobble/stone to help them make a house on the temp server. I helped SilverFox and Xander grind and gather materials.
- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive? Nope!
- Do you vote regularly? I plan to. (right now my pc has a virus within the internet)
- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums? Yes! ^^ (As long as I'm not at work or busy in rl.)
- Additional Information: I love to help others and I follow rules. I'm a very peaceful/respectful person.