What is your in-game name?ZwemmendeBoom
Have you been active for at least 1 month?I joined SentinelCraft on the 6th of July. I've been active almost daily, on which I've been playing multiple hours each day.
Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?I try to be kind and polite. As I greet new and regular players when they come online (this is not always in global chat for non admin+ members.) and give some food every time I /tpa to someone. Sometimes someone has a question regarding, for example, in-game commands, which I'm more than willing to help them with, even if I know don't the answer and have to search for it on the forums. And when you're in need for someone who can help you build, then you can just give a shout and I come to help. I can't really recall all the times I've helped someone nor can I tell when, but if anyone is in need of it I'm always glad to be of service.
Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?I've never been jailed nor have I been muted or rules restricted. I tend to keep it that way.
Do you vote regularly?I try to vote as much as I am able to do. Unfortunately, I do forget to vote sometimes, but over time this will undoubtedly become a habit.
Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?I've been active on the forums daily ever since my forum account got validated.
Additional Information:School has started today (September 2nd). This will inevitably restrict me with regards to playing time. Although staying active on the forums won't be any problem, being active on the server might be on certain days. Don't think that I won't play anymore, after all, I love the server and especially the amazing community, of which I would love to be a bigger part of!