Minecraft Username: foxpatronus
Minecraft Plugin:
MarriageMasterMinecraft Plugin Link:
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/marriage-master/I personally think this plugin enhances gameplay purely because it adds a little something extra, something other plugins don't. It allows to people to get married (kinda implied in the title lol). Giving players a "priest" permission allows those players to marry two players, so I think that'd be a cool perk for donating or voting, or just for staff. Once two players are married, they can
/marry tp to each other,
/marry kiss,
/marry gift, they can set a mutual
/marry home for each other, they can access a specific chat using
/marry chat (these conversations can also be seen by admins or mods with the
/marry listenchat command & permission), and lastly, if a married group no longer wants to be married, they can get divorced by a priest. Each of these /marry commands can be disabled in the config if you don't want players to have access to a particular command.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and consider it! I'd like to know what you guys think about it
It's obviously not a crucial plugin, but I think it'd add a little bit more fun to an already fun server.
- Courtney