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Author Topic: Goro the burner.  (Read 2088 times)


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Goro the burner.
« on: August 29, 2016, 12:45:44 PM »
Hello everyone.
Today I had a really really bad accident.
I was about to make a farm,just like Lux_Aeterna's. (that is a enormous one tho)
Then I realized I forgot to plug cooler to my PC.
Then guess what happened.
*peov* (I am bad at sound effects)
I thought I send my PC to eternity.
Luckily I saved my PC,and CPU is 82 degrees.
So don't be like me.
Always use an cooler.
Especially,IN SUMMER.

Goro. ;D


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Re: Goro the burner.
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2016, 08:58:58 PM »
E_E why was it unplugged in the first place
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