I'd like to relocate my home to somewhere less crowded by small claims.
Current coordinates are at:
1230, -121
1230, -175
1269, -175
1269, -121
That is my entire claim, which currently only encompasses my home
Total size of claim: 2200 square blocks, estimated to cover 10 chunks.
I'd like it moved to:
6363, -2201
6363, -2254
6402, -2254
6402, -2201
These are respective to the previous coords.
My home has a small underground portion which goes as deep Y:58, which when adjusted for the new area would go as deep as Y:63
I saw that the World Edit rules say no chests, but I would like to state that there are a number of chests in my home. If its a matter of World Edit not being able to copy chests with their inventory, I can try and make some arrangements. If if chests can be fully copied though, I can only ask for a little understanding and leniency.
If you need any other details for the world edit, just message me.