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Author Topic: Know Your Staff (KYS)! - Lisorted  (Read 3822 times)


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Know Your Staff (KYS)! - Lisorted
« on: June 11, 2018, 03:48:22 PM »
Know Your Staff! - Lisorted

Welcome to the twenty-ninth edition of "Know your staff", a series of interviews in order to know better our beloved staff! This time our guest is Lisorted! (a.k.a Lis), moderator of SentinelCraft!!

Dani: Welcome Lis to "KYS!". The world wants to know more about you. First question: Why are you in SentinelCraft?

Lis: After the server I used to play on shut down I wanted to find a similar server to play on. Then I found Sentinel and after playing for a little the community dragged me in and I loved playing here. Now, about  2 years later, I couldnt imagine ever leaving this server. I made a lot of great friends on here.

Dani: What is Sentinel for you?

Lis: Sentinel is a place for me to just hang out and chill with friends and to play mc ofcourse. Even though I don't really play minecraft anymore I find I can always enjoy myself on the server.

Dani: What do you play now?

Lis: I don't really play any games other than mc and a little bit of fifa. I've just been really busy with school and training last year so I don't have much time left to play any games. When I do get some time off I try to get on the server.

Dani: What are you studying?

Lis: I'm studying medicine in Amsterdam right now. I'll be starting my third year after the summer.

Dani: Why medicine?

Lis: I'm not really sure actually. I've just never liked the idea of working in a office for the rest of my life and it's awesome to be able to help people with your job. I've also always been fascinated with how the human body works and this study seemed like a lot of fun to me.

Dani: You mentioned "training", what do you mean by that?

Lis: I've been playing a lot of basketball this year since my team started playing in the national competition. We've been training about 9 hours a week, but since the season is now over I'll have some more free time!

Dani: That's cool. Do you have another hobby besides basketball or videogames?

Lis: I like to play guitar and piano and also just hang out with friends I guess.

Dani: What kind of music do you play?

Lis: Mostly just pop songs, but I used to play a lot more classical music. I play mostly acoustic, but I do have an electric guitar that I use sometimes.

Dani: What kind of food do you like?

Lis: Hmm, that's a hard one! My favorite food is icecream, but if I'd have to choose real food I would pick Italian food probably.

Dani: Do you like animals?

Lis: I do! Our rabbits actually just had 7 baby's last week. Theyre soo cutee!! And I will definitely get a dog when I'm done with my study.

Dani: Oww that's amazing. Where would you like to travel?

Lis: Everywhere? I don't really know, but I would like to visit every continent at least once. Asia is probably on top of my list, just because it's so different from what I'm used to.

Dani: And the last question, any last message for the server?

Lis: See you guys online!

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave a comment, advices, appreciations, etc. See you soon on the next KYS!

Do you want to know a bit more about the staff? Check the link: http://sentinelcraft.net/forum/index.php?board=136.0 !!!
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Do you want to know a bit more about the staff? Check the link: KYS! !!!


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Re: Know Your Staff (KYS)! - Lisorted
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2018, 04:04:03 PM »
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