- What is your in-game name? KibikiKibble
- Current Rank? Moderator
- How long have you been on the server? Since December 14, 2014
- How long have you been a Moderator? Since July 23rd-ish of 2015
- What is your main specialization that stands out and can benefit the server? I wouldn't say I have a specialization, but I do enjoy talking with the players that join the server and answering their questions when I can.
- Is there any Staff member that suggested you to apply to admin? I prompted it myself when I asked CatchingCrowns, and they said I'd be a good admin.
- What experience do you have being a Moderator/Admin? I've only ever moderated for this server before.
- If you have had previous experience, what servers did you moderate? Sentinel's the only server I play on!
- What plugins are you familiar with? I've read up on Dynmap, World Edit, and Guilds, and World Guard, but I have no personal experience other than just being on the server. I can learn more at a moments notice, though!
- Are you currently staff on any other servers? No.
- Additional Information: After playing on this server for 4 years, and being inactive when we restarted, coming back onto the server has made me really want to do more. I'm dedicated, and ready to go!