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Author Topic: Blackhearts33's unban appeal  (Read 4182 times)


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Blackhearts33's unban appeal
« on: September 11, 2018, 06:31:54 PM »
- In-game name: Blackhearts33

- Date and time of ban? (Include Timezone): september 11th 20:01 eastern standard time

- Which Staff member banned you? (Blank if you do not know) unsure, the server talked to me.

- Why were you banned? (What Appears on your ban message) disrespectful comment on homosexuality, denies it several times and calls it a ''joke''.

- Were you previously jailed or muted? (If yes, say why) no.
- Why should you be unbanned?  I received no warning prior to the situation. I was speaking in local chat and was unaware that staff could hear me, nor that they can see the chat. What i said was disrespectful, intolerant and homophobic, yes i understand that, i tried to defuse the situation by telling the server that it was just a joke, but what i said was never meant to be directed against person of any sexual orientation. I was also unable to find any rules that explain local chat is open to staff.

 whoever operated with server console did not give me fair warning when I asked if what i was doing was permanently bannable despite my questions directed towards him. I was given no jail time, no warning, no temporary Ban, just an instant permanent ban despite my play time on SentinelCraft

Additional Information: i was helping adi_novanto build Snow's house when i've saw that everyone were in a bit of a cheesy mood, so i wanted to just joke around a little, never meant to be against anyone.

i understand this is bannable, but isn't permanent ban a little too much? at least give me temporary ban, if my unban appeal doesn't go through.


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Re: Blackhearts33's unban appeal
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2018, 07:09:03 PM »
Hmmmm... Who is appealing? Is it Blackhearts33 or another person? I don't know... look for yourself:

- Why should you be unbanned?  I received no warning prior to the situation. I was speaking in local chat and was unaware that staff could hear me, nor that they can see the chat. What i said was disrespectful, intolerant and homophobic, yes i understand that, i tried to defuse the situation by telling the server that it was just a joke, but what i said was never meant to be directed against person of any sexual orientation. I was also unable to find any rules that explain local chat is open to staff.

 whoever operated with server console did not give me fair warning when I asked if what i was doing was permanently bannable despite my questions directed towards him. I was given no jail time, no warning, no temporary Ban, just an instant permanent ban despite my play time on SentinelCraft

- Why should you be unbanned?  I received no warning prior to the situation. I was speaking in local chat and was unaware that staff could hear me (I even asked in local chat if staff could hear me and received no response.) What I said was inappropriate, but i was only saying it because my friend ,who i know in real life, (Treefoot0812) and I were having a private chat. I was also unable to find any rules that explain local chat is open to staff. ToxicDemon98, or whoever saw my chat, did not give fair warning when I asked if what i was doing was bannable despite my questions directed towards him. I was given no jail time, no warning, no temporary Ban, just an instant one despite my play time on the server and the friendships I've forged while playing on SentinelCraft.

Clarifications, since I was the one who banned them:
  • He was speaking in global chat, not local;
  • The person who operated console, me, gave him a fair warning, he got a first warning to not do it again, denied intolerant comments, got rules restricted, after accepting them, denied it again, was called out to not repeat, ended up saying punishment was unnecessary and denied it again. The ban came after this;
  • He didn't have any questions related to the comment itself being permanently banned, only explanations on how it was not intolerant and disrespectful;
  • After submitting this appeal, he went on discord to say that we don't need to turn our server "into a dictatorship" because of a "f***** joke".

Your appeal will be under review and an answer will be given in the next 7 days.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 07:13:14 PM by Migas »
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Re: Blackhearts33's unban appeal
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2018, 07:46:34 PM »
i looked on how other people replied, just to additionally make sure that i dont screw up this chance for ban appeal, so i copied some of the texts from the other person.

about local/global chat: now i understand, i couldnt tell a difference between local and global chat!

''The person who operated console, me, gave him a fair warning, he got a first warning to not do it again, denied intolerant comments, got rules restricted, after accepting them, denied it again, was called out to not repeat, ended up saying punishment was unnecessary and denied it again''

as said, i tried to tell that its only a joke to try and defuse the situation, i regret it now.

''After submitting this appeal, he went on discord to say that we don't need to turn our server "into a dictatorship" because of a "f***** joke"

welp, regret saying that aswell, what can i say? it reminded me of those Social Justice Warriors (SJW for short), which get literal PTSD's if you tell them any joke.


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Re: Blackhearts33's unban appeal
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2018, 03:08:18 PM »
Application denied.

With your ingame actions, you showed us that you don't really accept the rules of the server, thus we believe you'll be better by finding out another one that suits your behaviour. You tried to prove a point (joking about discrimination should be allowed) when it goes against our server rules. This was before and after you appealed.

Also, mentioning that our server is turning into a dictatorship without knowing the process behind every single decision we make, made us believe that your behaviour doesn't match our community.

Your lack of effort on writing your appeal, by copying others' posts and not even caring to, at least, fix it to match your case, also helped us on our decision, since you showed no effort on trying to comeback to the server.
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Re: Blackhearts33's unban appeal
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2018, 07:08:27 PM »
Application denied.

With your ingame actions, you showed us that you don't really accept the rules of the server, thus we believe you'll be better by finding out another one that suits your behaviour. You tried to prove a point (joking about discrimination should be allowed) when it goes against our server rules. This was before and after you appealed.

Also, mentioning that our server is turning into a dictatorship without knowing the process behind every single decision we make, made us believe that your behaviour doesn't match our community.

Your lack of effort on writing your appeal, by copying others' posts and not even caring to, at least, fix it to match your case, also helped us on our decision, since you showed no effort on trying to comeback to the server.

Welp, i tried and failed to appeal as expected, but it sounds fine with me.

But let me tell you one last time, since you're obviously brain dead:

Jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously, if you take them seriously, then really, you're the problem here.



1. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act:

''He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.''

2. something that is amusing or ridiculous, especially because of being ludicrously inadequate or a sham; a thing, situation, or person laughed at rather than taken seriously; farce:

''Their pretense of generosity is a joke. An officer with no ability to command is a joke.''


3. a matter that need not be taken seriously; trifling matter:

''The loss was no joke.''

I don't mind anyone with a different opinion, you on the other hand, seem to be REALLY wanting to pull any excuse out of your ass to ban anyone that happens to not agree with your mr. politically correct rules.

As for the ''find the other server that suits you'' i have already found a different server, and i tell you, it's far better than this hell hole that barely has any users.

No wonder your server has barely over 10 people online, because you ban most of the people for stupid reasons.

You've ruined a chance for me to show off and be proven as a valuable member of this community by constant accusations of denial, which ended in permanent ban.

Good day to you, and i wish you luck on your server.

I won't be, and im glad to say this, ever coming back.

Don't bother replying.


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Re: Blackhearts33's unban appeal
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2018, 07:09:16 PM »
I bothered replying

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Re: Blackhearts33's unban appeal
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2018, 07:37:30 PM »
Don't let the door hit you on your way out


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Re: Blackhearts33's unban appeal
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2018, 09:15:54 PM »
This guy put more effort into making an excuse for his actions than to write an appeal to return to the server xD.

With your reply, some of our points on our decision to deny have been confirmed (disrespectful behaviour and failed to understand and accept our rules with invalid arguments - what you consider a "joke" was a discriminative comment towards a group of people). Your stubborn behaviour got you permanently banned because the "joke" itself was not going to even be a ban. Your behaviour after your comment was the main motive of the initial ban, as explained before.

Also, to clarify others, we prefer to be a small dedicated community than to have a huge amount of people online, filled with these kind of people. If we wanted, we could've opted to advertise better to grab the attention of more people but we chose not to. Quality is better than quantity for us.
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Re: Blackhearts33's unban appeal
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2018, 09:44:55 PM »
What you, and any other guy that got banned becauss of the same reason, can't comprehend is that sometimes jokes can be taken seriously in the wrong area. You saying that could mean offense to anyone on the server and even if you said that you were joking, the damage had already been done and you could have made a handful of people very very sad. The strict rules that the staff teams imposed on us makes the server a safer place to play, have fun and make friends. Those other servers that are lax in their rules are bound to have bullied or victimised somebody here and there. Somebody asking me for nudes might have taken it as a joke but I might feel harrassed and when I take it up with the mods, they don't do anything because they dont care about enforcing the rules.

It's unlikely you would ever see this post, or even come to the forums again unless ya appeal again, so I don't even know why I'm typing this out XD


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Re: Blackhearts33's unban appeal
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2018, 12:35:17 PM »
a joke isnt a joke unless everyone see's it as one. otherwise it will be taken seriously and at that point sometimes apologies cant fix what effect it may of had on the person or people receiving it. he should really learn to think on whats appropriate to say in certain places and if you dont know the people then maybe dont say anything at all.
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