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Author Topic: Grief report  (Read 2062 times)


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Grief report
« on: September 17, 2019, 11:15:23 PM »

While helping a fellow memeber out with somethings around the grief protection world, I came across some possible grief in the (260, 71,-158) region of the world. This part of the world is unprotected and looks to be apart of a previous build.

The players which I think have greifed in this area:
HoneyBits (last on sept 14)
chunkybunky (last on unknown)
KeTzGamingg (last on sept 1) might have also used the following account, KeTz (last on sept 3)
Melopa (last on spet 3)
The4kRs (last on unkown)
Nerija (last on sept 14)
Adamiro (last on aug 19)

I have no idea if these are already been dealt with and the place left in this dilapidated state as per the usual conduct when rolling back greif of unprotected spaces.

There is also another player, which from all intent and perposes seems to have no malicious intentions is TheLoneWolf which has decided to set up home right in the centre of this previous build (therefore destorying some of the previous build). I have adviced the player to seek admin+ advice about staying this area and I recommended that they find somewhere new to set up home as building upon someone elses previous builds can be classed as grief.

I hope that this isn't too much infomation