The lies that you just created are themselves lies... Do you not comprehend that lying about this is not going to help in any way?
You don't know how to Lie #1 - How can you locate my base if you never have seen it? I am about 500 blocks away from you and I've just walked to yours.
You don't know how to Lie #2 - Yes, I have the permissions to use other commands but that does not mean that I use them. The reason that I went to kill you is:
1. You were annoying me on chat.
2. You're theorically tresspassing my land.
3. Why not kill you? I was not going to break the rules and I would gain useful items.
You don't know how to Lie #3 - Yes, I do have a reason to ban him. Check his history on our server:
You don't know how to Lie #4 - You must warn the player before banning? I did that in case you didn't notice.
You don't need me to send a link on how to be an admin. I know that I'm not perfect but in this situation I have done nothing wrong, you're just raging and crying about the fact that you just ruined and got yourself banned on the best server that you've joined.