Donator Commands:
Okay so to answer a request from a few people, here is a guide specifically for Donator's commands.
Legend: <required> [optional]/kit <kitname> --> gives you the kit with the corresponding name.
/fly --> Toggles flying on and off
/warp <name> --> Warps to the named warp
/heal --> Allows you to heal yourself once every two hours
/feed --> Allows you to feed yourself once every hour
/sell <itemname|ID> [quantity] --> Sells items directly to the admin shop.
/d or
/dis or
/disguise [mobname/materialname] --> Disguise as a mob or a material (If no mob is given, the available disguises are listed)
/disguise [mobname] baby/adult --> Disguise as a baby/adult mob
/disguise Sheep
Setcolor <color> --> Disguise as a colored sheep
/disguise Wolf
SetTamed/SetAngry true/false --> Disguise as a tamed or angry wolf by setting true
/disguise Ocelot
SetStyle [Wild_Ocelot/Black_cat/red_cat/?] --> Disguise as a tabby, tuxedo, or siamese cat, for example
/disguise Horse
SetStyle [white/none/Black_dots/?] --> Disguise as different types of horses
/disguise Horse
SetSaddled true/false --> Disguise as a saddled horse
/disguise Villager
SetBurning true/false --> Disguise as a burning villager
/disguise Creeper
SetPowered true/false --> Disguise as a charged creeper
/u or
/undis or
/undisguise --> Undisguise yourself.
Portable Crafting Inventory Commands:
/Enchanttable --> Allows you to enchant items. Stand near bookshelves to increase your odds of better enchantments.
/Anvil --> Allows you to use an anvil.
/Cartography --> Allows you to use a Cartography table.
/Loom --> Allows you to use a Loom.
/Grindstone --> Allows you to use a Grindstone.
/Stonecutter --> Allows you to use a Stonecutter.
/Chest --> Allows you to use a chest. $50 Donators have access to a single chest of inventory space and $100 Donators have access to a double chest of inventory space.
As always, any perceived abuse of these powers will result in you losing them.