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Messages - Darkanaruus

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: unlawful ban
« on: July 06, 2019, 12:35:55 PM »
well was nice knowing you all ! i knew the outcome it was obvious that it was gonna be denied so i will simply say mature up guys !  jokes that offend you are only your problem! you surely banned me here,  but i will give you a life long advice : toughen up :)
bye oh and eli, still on your period i bet !

Ban Appeals / Re: unlawful ban
« on: July 06, 2019, 12:22:43 PM »
@silver :
i will come to this in points as you like all the others point fingers simply, even though your wishes are to do good, i just quote that most of the people  coming here blame me for old stuff that  they didn't do anything about while I am talking present, i already was banned once over a joke, a joke, and most of the time i dont sexually harass anyone, let alone in a public chat ? so here we go:
1- i do not hate or dislike you in fact i am quite neutral unless provoked
2-i thank you for your concern but i prefer keeping my personnal life to my own, the way i am is not toxic just over defensive i guess?
3-i did not harass anyone in chat, maybe some bad jokes at some points but once i see someone is annoyed or offended i quit it
4-the chat happens to be public but that was no public subject, you were both talking in turns, no one else was, so i asked if you could take it in private, it escalated later due to anger and other stuff which i already spoke of in previous replies ...
5-i dont have any reason to stay on sentinel except liking the community and playing on the server itself if I didn't why would I even appeal to be unbanned, its just Minecraft!
6- i only said eli replies are made to worsen things she is trying to influence the ban decision with older stuff that i quote again had nothing to do with this fight
7-apparently i did a mistake that i wasn't aware of so everyone just points fingers and i am being lectured, my mom is brought into the argument and far more things might come!

Ban Appeals / Re: unlawful ban
« on: July 06, 2019, 11:28:55 AM »
as i said Ace, to me it was the same, apparently i was wrong ,and a simple mistake doesnt mean that "i do not fit in a community" so please , even if it was up to you to decide, i dont think that a perma ban haggles the price of a stupid question, and  i dont know where you work where it is alright to fight to begin with :)

Ban Appeals / Re: unlawful ban
« on: July 06, 2019, 04:18:12 AM »
ninja makes sense actually, but i would ask if the guy is high or drunk if the reaction is out of proportion, i understand that that was degrading from that perspective, i actually did not mean any harm, and most of the time i am actually silent unless someone is actually getting on my nerves :p
so technically i take back what i said only because i see what ninja refered to.
 however look at eli replies and how she just keeps bashing me trying her hardest to keep me out , is this not bullying as well?

Ban Appeals / Re: unlawful ban
« on: July 06, 2019, 01:50:26 AM »
alright you want me to say i am sorry? i am sorry, next time i will not actually talk to anyone as it appears not even one of you defended me the way you defend eli just because she is your  friend somehow, and if you read all what i said again , you will notice i asked nicely a few time that they take it privately, they picked to escalate it into a fight, not me, all i did was reply to stuff that were directed or said to me. I did not ask for  a fight or bully her, infact, i started normally explaining why i did not want to mute the chat to begin with, then suddenly, everyone seemed annoyed by that fact while eli happily kept on trolling and spamming and of course people suddenly point fingers saying i was being sexist, all i asked was one question and it was i quote "eli are you on your period? i would understand really" and i meant that if a simple request to take it to a private messaging made her so mad was related to that somehow became sexist cuz if you are a girl and get hormonally unbalanced and angry over nothing doesnt happen sometimes cuz its not normal? dude , i am the one that actually appears to accept that as a fact and actually would have knocked off replying out of respect for that particular event, but yes, people think its a sensitive subject, i dont think it is as its something actually quite normal the way i view it, maybe we do not all share the same ideals or  thoughts but if you think that that was marginalizing or insulting somehow is kinda funny, but i accept your honnesty.
there again i did not mean it as an insult and i was not even angry when i asked that, i was curious.
as for hopping into the server after discord i was trying to ask toxic why he did ban me and he wasnt logged onto the server.
thanks again for defending eli though, its so good to see that everyone and not a single person spoke up for me as well :) delightful

Ban Appeals / Re: unlawful ban
« on: July 05, 2019, 09:48:24 AM »
@Eliza i wouldn't put everyone in one sac, it is technically impossible, but i did not discriminate or made fun out of any girl , all i said back then that i will say again , i just prefer to play with boys most of the time :) this is nothing sexist , it is  preference, like if you prefer  eating  vegetables over eating meat, you eat both, so you cant be called a vegan.

Ban Appeals / Re: unlawful ban
« on: July 04, 2019, 12:37:17 PM »
@Eli that was long ago , it was a statement and a long conversation, also nothing particular or sexist about this? i stated my preferences i didnt make fun or insult anyone?

Ban Appeals / Re: unlawful ban
« on: July 04, 2019, 11:04:01 AM »
I would agree that I did defend myself when they started to gang up on me, I will not deny that, but I will also say that I don't blame anyone in particular for this ban, I just say it has no valid proof or base, sexism is not the case of my actual fight with Eli and her friend , it was the spam. and thank you for your review and your time @migas

Ban Appeals / unlawful ban
« on: July 04, 2019, 09:56:24 AM »
- In-game name: Darkanaruus

- Date and time of ban? idk

- Which Staff member banned you?

- Why were you banned? "sexism is not welcome here"

- Were you previously jailed or muted? nope
- Why should you be unbanned?
I was apparently banned for sexism or whatever, I never made any sexist comments, I was on discord, 2  guys spammed too much (appears to be girls later)  talked to them, toxicdemon just banned me on discord out of the blue, didn't complain after all I didn't give two **** about discord and I didn't want to get worked over it, suddenly 3 days prior or so , I try to log in and I find myself banned for sexism?? how? I don't even know: I didn't even make any sexist jokes/comments or even pointed to any girl or anything ... this is the second time something like this happen, I won't be that nice and lick your boots "admins" or whoever is responsible for this ban, I will just say that this is quite childish, to ban someone just because you don't like them, which i understand really, I already said I didn't have many friends when I was on discord, point proven that even when I didn't log, I still somehow  find that some sort of enemy manages to ban me !
i will simply state that this whole affair is just built on passive aggressive actions from the side of Eli, her friend and toxicdemon , as for the ban itself you need a reminder that I didn't  do anything related to sexism, and all I did was a *** joke before which I got banned for so it was already paid for

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