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Author Topic: Ellemenopea's Departure  (Read 20920 times)


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Ellemenopea's Departure
« on: February 01, 2015, 09:38:43 PM »
As many of you know, Elle has decided to leave the server. This probably comes as some level of surprise, because of her long tenure here. I know it came as quite a shock to myself and the other senior staff. She has informed many of us that she will not be coming back at any point.

Lets go over the events leading up to her quitting:

January 20th

Rich was tracking down an ax that was... Impossible  It had enchantments that you cannot get on it through fair game-play. After a few hours of checking Rich followed the trail back to a few of Elle's Chests. Upon further investigation it was found that this was not an isolated instance. We found that multiple things had been duplicated. Below is a link to a sample of one such instance.


After finding these occurrences, we continued to investigate how extensive the abuse was. We found 2 more notable instances.

The logs and screen shots show how she copied Signs that Rich had used to store his XP, Broke them to retrieve the stored XP and then created signs of her own. Which were then repeatedly copied, broke, and then re-pasted in.
When there is an entry for a placed sign, it has should have the content of the text written like this example:
[[Trade]] [$200:0] [825 exp:643500] [Ellemenopea]]
When it just says "created wall sign" without having the text of the creation, that means it was pasted in using W/e. You can see what I mean in the screenshot below. (remember, read logs from the bottom to top, since it is backwards in time.)


Below are screenshots of when she pasted in her Skyblock farms. (The clue here in the screenshot is that all the blocks were created the same second. Obviously you cant place blocks at the exact same time, so we looked at the logs and it showed she pasted the entire construct in.)

--Complete Skyblock View Below--

These screenshots represent one more occasion where she abused W/e. She placed these items in her chest in the Overworld, copied them, and then pasted them into her Skyblock world. Check the time-stamps and the Placed/Removed chest contents.
(The unspecified action is because Logblock doesn't understand what the commands W/e use are doing. It recognizes that items have been created, but not how)


January 24th

After Discovering all of this evidence I had all of the senior staff reconfirm what we had found (Just to make sure we did not make any mistakes) All four of us agreed that there was sufficient information to confront her. So we waited until we could all be online and tried to ask her if she could explain all of this. At no point were any of us trying to gang up on her. We all went into this meeting with the hope that we had missed something or that there was some explanation for all of these incidents.

Elle quickly said that she could not explain them, and requested to step down. After talking with her for a few hours we were left with making a decision. She said that she had not done these things. It boiled down to something very simple. Elle is our friend, and we have played together for almost 2 years, we trust her, and so we decided not to have her step down. We told her that it would be okay, we would not hold it against her. Everything (I thought) was put behind us.

January 26th

I was notified that Grizdale builds had started to disappear. Along with Embassies from Lomari. Now obviously this is alarming behavior in any situation. After that Grizdale the town fell. Migas informed me that the fall of Grizdale had cost him 2.5 million because when a town falls it has a tendency to destroy the protections on signs (IE Storage and Money signs). Armed with this information I took immediate action to stop further damage to any of our members. I Banned Elle under "Account compromised" until I could talk to her about what she was doing. I had/have no intention of not allowing her to leave. I just want to make sure that no one is harmed because of it. She made it very clear that she did not feel comfortable being here anymore, and has decided to leave.

February 1st

I have been waiting for the time to write all this down, I was hoping that Elle would reconsider, that she would want to stay in the community that we have built. I also planned on not posting this at all, or not in this format. I never wanted to drag all this drama out in-front of everyone. But since enough rumors have flown about what the cause is, and who is involved. It has forced me to make this a public thing. Elle has stopped returning my messages, so that pretty much where everything stands. If anyone has questions, you can find me on Skype, ill be happy to clear things up.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 10:04:36 PM by Fedgar_Lurch »
-- Fedgar


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2015, 10:30:41 PM »
Thanks for clearing this up and letting us know what was going on... as a former member of Grizedale, I was wondering what had happened.


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2015, 10:35:04 PM »
thats a hard read thanks for clarifying that. i respected elle greatly (and still do) i would have never thought her to be the type to go ahead and do those kind of things.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 01:59:48 PM by Roadkill919 »


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2015, 11:07:37 PM »
No judgement should be passed on her, This should not change how you feel about her. There may be some perturbations surrounding her departure from the server, but that does not tarnish all the time she spent here. She was/is still an excellent member of this community.  We were lucky to have her here for as long as we did.

Remember the good times.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 11:37:42 PM by Fedgar_Lurch »
-- Fedgar


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2015, 12:01:22 AM »
No judgement should be passed on her, This should not change how you feel about her. There may be some perturbations surrounding her departure from the server, but that does not tarnish all the time she spent here. She was/is still an excellent member of this community.  We were lucky to have her here for as long as we did.

Remember the good times.
You're so right.  Will there be someone to replace her?

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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2015, 12:14:10 AM »
No judgement should be passed on her, This should not change how you feel about her. There may be some perturbations surrounding her departure from the server, but that does not tarnish all the time she spent here. She was/is still an excellent member of this community.  We were lucky to have her here for as long as we did.

Remember the good times.
You're so right.  Will there be someone to replace her?

you can't replace unique people


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2015, 12:22:25 AM »
No judgement should be passed on her, This should not change how you feel about her. There may be some perturbations surrounding her departure from the server, but that does not tarnish all the time she spent here. She was/is still an excellent member of this community.  We were lucky to have her here for as long as we did.

Remember the good times.
You're so right.  Will there be someone to replace her?

you can't replace unique people
Lol thats not what I meant.  Elle is very unique.  She was senior admin, Will someone take that spot?

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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2015, 12:25:52 AM »
many ppl can become awesome admin if that is what your talking about however you know what they says "great power comes with great responsibility" and searching for those kinds of ppl could be hard.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 12:28:56 AM by abehaw »
if u are looking for me I'm probably fishing at vainilla_love or killing pigmens. to complete ur goals-----> keep on trying!!!!!!!


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2015, 12:30:17 AM »
many ppl can become awesome admin if that is what your talking about however you know what they says "great power comes with great responsibility" and searching for those kinds of ppl could be hard.
Very true, and Elle had all of that, which made her an awesome admin.

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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2015, 01:02:37 AM »
Replacing her is not possible. Filling her spot is not really a concern right now.
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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2015, 01:50:31 AM »
Elle is a beautiful human being/Squirrel.  Replacing her isn't possible.  Will someone step into her role, eventually sure.  But not right now


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2015, 04:36:13 AM »
In my opinion, the last thing I care about is to find someone to fill her spot. I'm very upset to see her leave, mainly because we had almost 2 years of good friendship on the server. A person like Elle will nevet be replaceable.

And as Fedgar said, It's time to remember the good moments...

Elle was the one who gave silly Migas enough confidence to join the voice chat.
Elle was the only one who made me good company on a lonely 2014 new year.
Elle is one of the people with the best sense of humour that I met.
Elle did help me on some tight situations I had to deal with and, whenever I asked for her help, she was always available.

These, and many other things I have not mentioned, I will never forget. If she eventually reads this, I wish you good luck in your future and I hope you will have fun wherever you will settle in.
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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2015, 04:39:38 AM »
I remember the time shayh got elle angry and told him "you getting on my nerves" *laughed on the inside*
that was the only time I got to meet elle I wish I knew her more :( and as migas states
If she eventually reads this, I wish you good luck in your future and I hope you will have fun wherever you will settle in.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 04:42:14 AM by abehaw »
if u are looking for me I'm probably fishing at vainilla_love or killing pigmens. to complete ur goals-----> keep on trying!!!!!!!


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2015, 04:55:36 AM »
Im deeply going to miss Elle. It hurt quiet a bit when I found out she was leaving. I never really talked to Elle that much but when I did she always made me laugh, even when we were taking care of issues on the server she still made me laugh. Elle is a unique person that in like any situation she'll make you smile.

She didn't know this but one day I was having a bad day, not even bad it was more like terrible, I logged onto the server and then almost instantly Elle is making me crack up. I didn't thank her for that but if she does read this; thank you Elle, for all you have done. I hope that one day you will come back to the server, even if its just for 5 minutes. Ill miss you deeply
~so long partner; talk to you again soon


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Re: Ellemenopea's Departure
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2015, 05:22:03 AM »
To our dearest yet amazing friend,
I will miss you and our old times especially when we went piggyback riding through Grizedale on pigs. You have been an inspiration and I feel as if you have helped me come a long way to this community. On some days when I was depressed you were one of those people. You were a person I could talk to and be supportful at the best of times, I never got to thank you for listening but soon hopefully a time comes when I am soon able to tell you that. With the upcoming time I wish to see you come back as a person still helpful and supportful to us especially at the best of times. Good luck in the future Elle, no one can replace you.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 05:23:51 AM by NeonLove »