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Author Topic: All Monthly Voting Prizes 2014  (Read 111908 times)


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Re: May's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #90 on: May 08, 2014, 09:55:52 PM »
omg.. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE VOTES!... It was a Question that was answered for me a WEEK ago. I DECIDED to Let my GF take all the Votes..... at BEGINNING of the month... You keep acting like i'm complaining about Votes or Being FORCED into anything.. It's about How he Told me to Go about it... and telling me I'm not a man cuz I'm not Contributing to Development (along with a Good portion of your members I might add) Even though I already Told him I Purchased the Xbox Version... Guess that Money doesn't go to any development.. smh
and now 2 Admins including the Owner (I'm not including you Migas as you weren't rude, just misunderstanding where I am coming from) Have Been Rude to me and I'm trying to find any reason to stay and contribute (Besides not abandoning town/Nation/Friends) And I'm a little disappointed in how I'm being treated I want to Donate to the server and help keep it running for everyone else, But When I'm Being attacked by the people that run it, I'm not sure..


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Re: May's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #91 on: May 08, 2014, 11:59:03 PM »
So why are you getting so bent out of shape about this?

And who was ever rude to you.

You asked
Ninja responded quickly
Fed gave you a more detailed response when he was able to
You get bent out of shape.

In no way was any thing offensive until you got your little rant in game even then we remained respectful as you said words i will assume was just in a heat of misunderstood anger.

You should calm your self and reread what has been said to you.

We do not care if you vote, or not, donate, or dont donate, buy the game, or not.

We do how ever care about the community and when you go on little rants and show disrespect

"If you want to be able to vote on all 5 links... Buy the game. Simple."

^as was said IF you want the perks of member donate.

There was no reason for this to escalate until you pushed this


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Re: May's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #92 on: May 09, 2014, 12:30:21 AM »
First off Do you Imagine that I am Slamming my Fingers with Furious Anger as I am Typing this?... I am Calm and I was Respectful until he started being rude.. and even then I don't understand what I did Said that Caused him to respond Angrily..  cuz like I said almost every single post, I Don't Really Care, You guys are the ones who keep responding and continuing the Discussion which I agree is Stupid... Should have been left alone a week ago.. Last week the Question was Completely Cleared up... Fedgar Didn't tell me info I didn't already know And Besides it Wouldn't matter...

 If I bought the Copy I would still be Alternating a Month of Votes back and forth between my GF.. which is why I asked why would I spend all that Money to do something I am Already Doing (Playing on this Server) with the only Relevant benefit being 1 extra vote each day... To Which He took Offence..

....So sack up and buy the game like a grown up  >:(... Your failure to research the game fully is no ones fault but your own.
If thats not Rude.. or at very least a statement showing someone getting "Bent Out of Shape" than I must be misguided.

The Most Offensive thing I said in game... (Not in Global) was "Fed Was Being a Doosh to me" (Pardon My Language)... Most all of My "rant" was spoken Through /msg and Accidentally 2 in /nc Because I forgot to type /r at the beginning, and I'm Positive those two messages were incomplete and Didn't mention who or what I was talking about.. I Told the Person that If I got Banned or Suspended that I'm sorry if I can't Continue Helping with things we had planned.. I got Asked about the Details so I responded...

Varun aka eoyvideoteam

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Re: May's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #93 on: May 09, 2014, 12:49:21 AM »
I think that Fed felt that you were disappointed that you were not able to vote on all the links, so he just gave some advice on how to fix that. Afterwards you started to give reasons as to why you would not buy the game, and it seemed almost like you were blaming something/somebody as to why you could not vote. And besides, buying the PC version of the game supports development of the PC version, and you also get the benefits of having a skin and ability to play on ALL servers. Fed just gave some advice on a question you asked, of which some of those comments you took personally.
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Re: May's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #94 on: May 09, 2014, 12:51:18 AM »
If either of you have a smartphone, you can vote from there or perhaps use a library computer? Also There is a chance to be top voter if you vote every day, you don't have as much slack and you have to hope that the premium members do slack off. Sorry, it is a minor inconvience.


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Re: May's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #95 on: May 09, 2014, 01:36:51 AM »
If either of you have a smartphone, you can vote from there or perhaps use a library computer? Also There is a chance to be top voter if you vote every day, you don't have as much slack and you have to hope that the premium members do slack off. Sorry, it is a minor inconvience.

Now that is a proper response, Ninja gave information that Wasn't previously mentioned or something Obvious like Saying  "Want Premium, Buy Premium" as if I didn't realize that was a Possibility lol.. and I appreciate the Honesty and apologies of inconvenience..

and no Varun I wasn't blaming anyone, Though your right I WAS Disappointed... In the "That Kind of Sucks, Oh well." Kind of Disappointment :) ... One that I almost Forgot about until Fedgar  Brought it up again..

 and yes If I Pay Money to Mojang (which I did) That helps For Development, But that would happen whether or not I as one Individual payed for it or not..  that would equate to SC having a Donation Feature but Gave no added bonus like /fly, more Homes and other stuff along with it (Which lots of servers Don't offer).. You would have ppl saying "why Should I donate?", and your response would be the same "To Help Maintain and improve Development on the Server" (Which is the Appropriate Response) Would that make the Person bad If they didn't want to donate? Or should the Owner be mad about that.. probably not.... If that was the case If donate or not I am Still playing the Same Server that will develop with or without me.. Just saying.. and do you think All the Money from Xbox or Playstation Minecraft sales ONLY goes to Support Development  of their respective Versions... No it Goes to the Company as a Whole, and Contributes to All their Endeavours Including ones that may have nothing to do with Minecraft, Like if they Choose to spend My $20 on Starting a New game completely, they can do that..

On another note... The More Development That Happens with Mojang and MC, the Greater Chance Of Having Everything that I have worked for being Wiped out.. Like If We need a World Restart eventually if SC Upgrades to 1.8... That Would be Rather Annoying.. So  in a way I'm Disappointed that They Are Developing Too Damn Fast lol And I am Now Officially Mad at anyone who Plays Legit!  >:(

Varun aka eoyvideoteam

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Re: May's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #96 on: May 09, 2014, 03:37:48 AM »
Like Ninja said, many a times, you don't even need the 5 links to get the top 5 spot, as I have done it before with much determination.

Fed was never mad that you were donating, he was just saying that he would rather you support the developers themselves of Minecraft than himself, although any and all donations to the server are greatly appreciated. You are not being attacked by anyone to donate to the server and like I said, you are most welcome to donate. You brought out a topic on voting, and piece of advice was given, of which you took a bit personally.
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Re: May's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #97 on: May 31, 2014, 02:36:57 PM »
Every month there will be prizes to the top 5 voters during that period. Staff was not eligible, as always.

There is no chance that the 6th won't catch the 5th until 12am GMT, so these are the Top 5 Voters for this month:

 --- ninja5132 - 132 votes
 1 - LideonRadeon - 125 votes
 2 - Anton - 124 votes
 --- migas94 - 117 votes
 3 - attlee - 114 votes
 4 - romaze6 - 110 votes
 5 - dandewd - 106 votes

Congratulations to them! They can choose a player's head!

Lideon chooses first, then Anton chooses after, then attlee chooses, then romaze and finally dandewd is the last one to choose.

If you are one of the winners, ask for a staff member to help you get your prize and you will have tell below which of these you want!

Don't forget to participate on the next month and have a chance of becoming one of the winners !
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Re: May's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #98 on: May 31, 2014, 04:08:53 PM »
jeej Im second
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Re: May's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #99 on: May 31, 2014, 06:45:44 PM »
Whao that's one heck of a fight going I back there well; Instead of getting the head directly can we watch the person being beheaded? I'm so exited to see rich get beheaded xP
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Re: May's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #100 on: May 31, 2014, 07:35:21 PM »
I like the idea ... as long as I'm not chosen.........
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To take your crown, to burn your place,
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June's Monthly Voting Prize!
« Reply #101 on: June 01, 2014, 02:12:37 AM »
Hey everyone!

As you may know, every month there is a voting competition which gives some prizes to the top 5 voters.
Since the new month has started recently, I come to announce the new prizes for this month!

The top 5 voters this month can choose get 5 free warp requests! This month, the competition will end on June 30th.

So don't wait, go vote for us to win this awesome prize! You can get all vote links here:

As always, Admin + are not eligible for this event.

Have fun during this month,
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Monthly Top 5 Voters - Winners (June 2014)
« Reply #102 on: June 30, 2014, 02:21:02 AM »
Every month there will be some prizes to the top 5 voters during that period. Staff was not eligible, as always.

These are the Top 5 Voters this month (In Random Order):

 - romaze6
 - Niliscus-used all 5
 - Jesus
 - attlee
 - KouenKami-used all 5

Congratulations to them! They can have 5 Free Warp Requests !

If you are one of the winners, ask for a staff member (Admin +) to help you get your prize.

Don't forget to participate on the next month and have a chance of becoming one of the winners !
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 11:47:52 PM by ninja5132 »
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Re: Monthly Top 5 Voters - Winners (June 2014)
« Reply #103 on: June 30, 2014, 06:49:44 PM »
Kouen and Niliscus used both 1 warp request.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 08:47:40 PM by Migas »
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July's Monthly Voting prize!
« Reply #104 on: June 30, 2014, 10:59:57 PM »
Hey everyone!

As you may know, every month there is a voting competition which gives some prizes to the top 5 voters.
Since the new month has started recently, I come to announce the new prizes for this month!

The top 5 voters this month can get the Stick of Doom! This month, the competition will end on July 31st.

So don't wait, go vote for us to win this awesome prize! You can get all vote links here:

As always, Admin + are not eligible for this event.

Have fun during this month,
  -- SentinelCraft Staff
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