IGN: HerbSchnerbler__
Date and time of ban: 8:40ish pm 12/29/15, Eastern Standard Time
Banned by: Ninja5132
Not Previouisly jailed, muted, or warned.
Why should I be unbanned?
To set the scene, my friends and I all have a similar name. My friends were having banter with Ninja, and he was not taking it well apparently. To quote a bit of the argument, my friend said "It is dumb that you cannot raid in the wilderness", to which Ninja eloquently replied, "Your face is dumb."
He further told "The Herbs" that they would all be muted if we didn't be quiet. I asked how that was fair, as I legitimately had not said a single thing and had no control over what my friends were saying. I compared it to Hitler, which although a hyperbole, is not an irrational comparison. I was promptly permanently banned, with the reason stating "You have been banned from this server for inappropriate".
Perhaps what I said was pushing it, but a permanent ban seems completely out of place, and the entire behavior of the admin seems unprofessional to me. Very stand offish to new players.
On a side note, my friends tried to comply to the name thing and help the admins by changing their names. My friend changed his name, and then found that he lost his items as they were tied to an account name. When asking Ninja about this, Ninja simply replied "Sucks to suck." He then stated he could pay ten dollars to get his items back.
Ten Dollars
Complying with the wishes of the staff = 10 dollars to get your stuff back.
I look forward to hearing a response.